Decriminalizing Our College Campuses Teach-In: 12/03

The Decriminalize UW Coalition, in partnership with the Coalition of Higher Education Workers, is hosting the teach-in “Decriminalizing Our College Campuses” on Thursday evening, December 3rd. This event is for faculty, staff, students, and community members–all are welcomed.

Date: December 3, 2020
Time: 6-8 pm
Location: Zoom link will be emailed to everyone who RSVPs
RSVP link:

Please join us for a teach-in presented by Decriminalize UW, Cops off Campus, and Local Activists. If you’re a student, staff member, faculty or community member adjacent to a college campus, and you’re curious about what it means to decriminalize a campus and/or interested in joining a movement to do that, please come! There is a long record of U.S university and municipal police harming people, especially BIPOC students, staff, faculty, and community members.

We’ll begin with a brief history of Decriminalize University of Washington (UW) and the roll-out of demands for this year, and then we’ll shift to a national focus on Cops Off Campus. After the presentation and panel, there will be time for small breakout groups to talk with others about your and their reactions before we reconvene as a larger group for Q&A. We’ll share a virtual handout so that you can continue the conversation with friends, family, and neighbors after the event.


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