Research Participation Opportunity- $25 UW Bookstore Gift Card Offered for Participation

Exciting opportunity to participate in a research study about creating inclusive and accessible classrooms for graduate students with learning disabilities.

The goal of this study is to gain insight into the unique needs of graduate students, the reasons some students choose to disclose and seek accommodations or not, and characteristics of classrooms models that might reduce or eliminate the need for students to self-disclose and rely on accommodations. To participate, you must be a currently enrolled graduate student, and have a learning disability (self-identified or documented).

This study will be conducted through interviews via Zoom. The interview will take less than an hour of your time. It includes questions about your undergraduate experience, your graduate experience, advice for faculty, and you will be asked to imagine your ideal classroom and describe what that looks like for you. All of your answers are confidential and pseudonyms will be used in the data, analysis, and any publication to protect the confidentiality of the participants.

The information you provide is crucial for improving the current practices and education environments for graduate students with disabilities. If you are a graduate student with a self-identified or documented learning disability, and you are interested in participating in the study, you may volunteer in any of the following ways:
-Fill out the Google Form:
-Email: mmboggs(at)

A $25 gift card to the University Bookstore will be provided to all participants as compensation for their time and involvement in the study.


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