UWSOM Covid Home Care Kits Project Looking for Additional Team Members

The UWSOM Covid Home Care Kits Project is currently looking for additional team members!

What is the Home Care Kits Project?

We are a group of University of Washington medical students working to assemble “home care kits” for patients currently ill with COVID-19 / suspected COVID-19. We’re working closely with Seattle area clinics to identify patients with an immediate need for these kits that otherwise do not have a way to get supplies to care for their illness.  Students prepare and deliver kits to these patients who are sick and cannot leave their homes, do not have care support, are immunocompromised, or have been advised to self-isolate.

This project has been community centered and student directed since its inception in March 2020. Since then, we have expanded to partnerships with 8 local clinics and organizations in the Seattle Area.

We are recruiting:

  • Communications Co-lead (1 person):
    • Big-picture management of the project
    • Facilitate communication between team leads, and between team leads and clinical contacts
    • Take turns hosting a weekly team leadership meeting, in which team leads collectively make decisions about the project.
  • Expansion Co-leads (1-2 people):
    • Liaison between the Home Care Kit project and our clinical partners. This involves weekly check-ins with our clinical partners by email or phone to see if they need more kits delivered to their clinics or if they are having trouble offering our kits to their patients.
    • Troubleshoot challenges that arise in working with our clinical partners
    • Find and reach out to potential new clinical partners to see if they would like to offer our kits to their patients
    • Brainstorm ways to reach a broader population with our kits, and especially to make sure that our kits are going to patients who have the greatest need for them
    • Attend weekly leadership meeting with all team leads, in which team leads collectively make decisions about the project
  • Social Media Lead (1 person):
    • Monitor our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and email address
    • Make posts on social media with updates of the project, including photos of us putting the kits together, especially when fundraising
    • Use social media to connect to new clinics/partners
    • Attend weekly leadership meeting with all team leads, in which team leads collectively make decisions about the project
If you are interested in any of these roles, please email


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