Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative: Resources for Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching

The Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI) at UC Berkeley has created the BIMI Migration Slide Deck. This slide deck covers a wide variety of basic topics related to migration, providing summaries of key data, statistics, and concepts. They are free to use; just please credit BIMI. (And, if you have ideas for additional slides or are willing to share yours, please send them to


BIMI also organizes an annual Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods. We want to make the resources from the Summer Institute widely available. The BIMI Youtube channel now includes six edited videos of lectures from the 2018 and 2019 Summer Institute programs, reducing 90 minute lectures down to about 20 minutes of key points. These lectures are a great resource for (online) teaching, to share with your (graduate) students, or as a quick primer on a technique or research method you would like to use in your research related to migration. You will find titles and topics below. You can also find presentation slides from all the 2018 sessions at the Summer Institute link above.


2019 Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods

– Longitudinal Versus Cross-sectional Approaches in Migration Studies – Prof. Julie Park (University of Maryland)

– Historical Record Linking for Migration Studies – Prof. Peter Catron (University of Washington)

– Ethical Migration Research and Designing Mixed Methods Projects – Prof.  Michael Jones-Correa (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania) & Prof. Helen B. Marrow (Sociology, Tufts University)


2018 Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods

– Causal Inference in Migration Studies – Prof. Jens Hainmueller (Stanford University)

– Introduction to Combined-Sample Multiple Imputation of Legal Status (CSMI) – Prof. Jenny van Hook (Penn State University) & Prof. James Bachmeier (Temple University)

– Ethics & Human Subjects Today in Migration Studies: Legal Rights & Limits for Researchers – Prof. Irene Bloemraad (UC Berkeley), Prof. Cecilia Menjivar (UCLA) & Prof. Jenny van Hook (Penn State University)



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