SSW Research Newsletter: Issue 04/06

Highlighted News and Announcements:

School of Social Work: Research Conversations
April 7, 2021, 12:00-1:00pm (Zoom link here)
Purpose: The Office for Faculty Excellence and Research will host a coming together of colleagues to learn and share in informal conversations to support each others’ work. This gathering is planned to be something very different from our usual formal research presentations or colloquia series. It is an opportunity to get to know our colleagues better by hearing a presentation of an unformed study idea, or paper, or anything related to research, and then brainstorming reactions by offering each other insights and support to shape and refine this in-process research into a finer scholarly product. Please join us for next month’s topic, “Addressing Medical Mistrust to Increase HIV prevention among Latinx immigrant men who have sex with men”, presented by Jane Lee, PhD.

New Publications

This winter, the Center for Women’s Welfare partnered with the Federation for Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) to produce the 2021 Self-Sufficiency Standard Report for New York State. The report outlines what working-age families of various sizes and compositions need to make ends meet without public or private assistance in each county in New York. The full report can be found on the Self-Sufficiency Standard website.

Rooney, L., Conrick, K.M., Bellenger, M.A., Moore, M., Haviland, M.J., Rivara, F.P., Rowhani-Rahbar, A. Understanding the Process, Context, and Characteristics of Extreme Risk Protection Orders: A Statewide Study. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. In press.

Conrick, K.M., Davis, A., Gibb, L., Bellenger, M.A., Rivara, F.P., Moore, M., Rowhani-Rahbar, A. Extreme Risk Protection Orders: Understanding the Role of Health Professionals. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. In press.

Selected Funding Opportunities
List of all active NIH grant opportunities

NIH UNITE Initiative announcement
On March 1, NIH launched the UNITE initiative to end structural racism and racial inequities in the health research enterprise.  In his public statement announcing this initiative, Dr. Collins noted that while NIH has supported various programs to improve diversity of the scientific workforce, these efforts have been insufficient, and that the “NIH is committed to instituting new ways to support diversity, equity, and inclusion, and identifying and dismantling any policies and practices that may harm our workforce and our science.” You can keep up with what the NIH is doing to address workforce diversity on the NIH UNITE website. NIH has also released an RFI: “Inviting Comments and Suggestions to Advance and Strengthen Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Biomedical Research Workforce and Advance Health Disparities and Health Equity Research” that is open for comments through April 9,2021.

Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Deadline: Varies by Institute
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced that funds may be available for administrative supplements for specific types of NIH research grants. The purpose of these supplements is to meet increased costs that are within the scope of the approved award, but were unforeseen when the new or renewal application or grant progress report for non-competing continuation support was submitted.  Applications for administrative supplements are considered prior approval requests (as described in Section of the NIH Grants Policy Statement) and will be routed directly to the Grants Management Officer of the parent award. All applicants are encouraged to discuss potential requests with the awarding IC. Additionally, prior to submission, applicants must review the awarding IC’s web site to ensure they meet the IC’s requirements.  A list of those web sites is available at

Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research (R21/R33)
Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research (R01)
Open Date: March 20, 2021
Expiration Date: May 1, 2021

Nearly 40,000 people in the U.S. die from firearm-related deaths each year, primarily from suicide
(60%) or homicide (37%), and many more have experienced non-fatal firearm injuries, both intentional and nonintentional. The NIH encourages research to improve understanding of the determinants of firearm injury, the identification of those at risk of firearm injury (including both victims and perpetrators), the development and piloting of innovative interventions to prevent firearm injury and mortality, and the examination of approaches to improve the implementation of existing, evidence-based interventions to prevent firearm injury and mortality.

Administrative Supplements for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focused on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19
Due Date: April 14, 2021
The Office of the Director of the NIH announced opportunities for investigators with relevant active NIH-supported grants to address the following scientific priorities as part of the IMPROVE initiative:

  • Understand the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal mental health, well-being, functioning and quality of life
  • Identify psychosocial and behavioral health risk factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic that affect maternal mental health and functioning outcomes
  • Address the impact of structural racism and discrimination (SRD) on maternal health outcomes in the context of COVID-19

IMPROVE aims to understand the biological, behavioral, environmental, sociocultural, and structural factors that affect pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality by building an evidence base for improved care and outcomes. This initiative will promote research to address health disparities associated with pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality (MM).

*Newly Added*
Student Technology Fee Request for Proposals
Deadline: April 16, 2021
The Student Technology Fee (STF) is a fund established to provide technology access and opportunity for students. The goal of STF is to allocate funds toward capital investments in UW projects that improve students’ educational and career opportunities. Project proposals can be submitted by students and campus organizations. These awards are intended to be one-time sources of funding. The Committee prefers proposals that demonstrate a commitment to collaboration between different departments and show a willingness to contribute departmental funds to a project or, similarly, seek alternative funding sources on campus. Having alternate sources of funding shows the committee there are others who believe the project will be a success, which encourages the STFC to award funding.

*Newly Added*
Infant Mental Health Consultation Services
Deadline: April 19, 2021
Public Health–Seattle & King County (PHSKC) is requesting applications from Infant Mental Health experts to provide consultation services to two of PHSKC’s Nurses-Family Partnership (NFP) teams.  The selected consultant will support quality program implementation, nurse/supervisor development, and stress reduction for NFP nurses by providing clinical consultation and education in response to issues such as: 1.) Distressed mother: infant relationships, maternal mental illness, trauma; 2.) Distressed infants: feeding, sleeping, crying, or interacting dysregulation; 3.) Families at increased risk of abuse/neglect or removal of infant; and 4.) Difficult clients: angry, withdrawn, resistant, or unavailable. NFP clients sometimes exhibit multiple risk factors including trauma history/high Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) scores, living in unstable families or apart from family, and maternal mental illness are at increased risk for impaired attachment relationships with their own infant. The maximum amount of reimbursement to be distributed shall not exceed $4,524 for the period of April 1, 2021 (or date of contract award), through December 31, 2021. For application materials, please email Tasha Murphy at

Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19
Deadline: April 20, 2021
The Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 initiative aligns with: (1) HHS Strategic Plan Goal 2: Protect the Health of Americans Where They Live, Learn, Work, and Play; (2) Healthy People 2030 objectives: (a) HC/HIT-01: Increase the proportion of adults whose health care provider checked their understanding; (b) HC/HIT-02: Reduce the proportion of adults who report poor patient and provider communication; (c) HC/HIT-03: Increase the proportion of adults whose health care providers involved them in decisions as much as they wanted; and (d) IID-D02: Increase the proportion of people with vaccination records in an information system; and (3) the OASH priority on health disparities (1, 2).

Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
LOI Deadline: April 21, 2021
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support research on interventions to improve health in Native American (NA) populations.

William T. Grant Scholars Program 2021
UW Deadline: April 22, 2021
Sponsor Deadline: July 7, 2021

The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas. Applicants should have a track record of conducting high-quality research and an interest in pursuing a significant shift in their trajectories as researchers. Award amount: $350,000. One application allowable per institution. To apply, submit a 1-page letter of intent with a description of proposed aims and approach and a biosketch or CV of the PI to by 5:00pm Thursday, April 22.

Provost Bridge Funding Program
Deadline: May 1, 2021
The Bridge Funding program provides bridge funding to support faculty to span a temporary funding gap in critical research programs.  Bridge Funding awards are typically used to support on-going research programs that have lost funding, although these funds may also be used to support new research directions, at the discretion of the recipient. A maximum of $50,000 may be applied for through the Provost; all funding requests must be matched 1:1 by the applicant’s college/school.
* For the May 1, 2021 deadline, proposals may reduce the school/department match by half for Bridge Funding applicants facing COVID caregiving challenges.
NOTE FOR SSW APPLICANTS: All bridge funding follows UW policy and the ADR and the Dean review on a case by case basis. The priority is to support individuals who have clear funding in the near future and need bridge funding until that funding comes through.

Improving the Use of Research Evidence and Research Grants on Reducing Inequality
LOI Deadline: May 5, 2021
This award funds research to improve the lives of young people ages 5-25 in the United States. This includes investing in high-quality field-initiated studies on improving the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. Of interest is research on improving the use of research evidence by state and local decision-makers, mid-level managers, and intermediaries. It welcomes investigations about research use in various systems, including justice, child welfare, mental health, and education.

NIDA Diversity Supplement Program
Deadline: May 11, 2021
This program provides support for underrepresented post-baccalaureates, pre-doctoral students, post-doctorates, and early-stage investigators to prepare for an independent career in addiction research. PIs with HIV/AIDS-related grants are particularly encouraged to apply. See FAQs and How to Apply.

Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Well Being, Illness, and Recovery
Deadline: May 17, 2021
This program provides grants for research projects that examine how social isolation and social connectedness affect outcomes in health, illness, recovery, and overall well being.
Areas of focus include:

  • Effects of social connectedness, connection, and isolation across the lifespan
  • Mechanisms of connectedness, connection, and isolation, including neurobiological, behavioral, and environmental factors
  • Knowledge representation and behavioral ontology development

*Newly Added*
Notice of Special Interest in Reducing Suicide Risk in Young People in Low-and Middle-Income Countries and Low-Resource Settings
Deadline: June 5, 2021
The National Institute of Mental Health is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to highlight interest in developing and implementing prevention strategies to reduce suicide risk (suicide ideation and behavior, including acts of self-harm/suicide) and promote resilience among young people, age 10-24 years, in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs)and low-resources settings. NIMH welcomes applicants from LMICs and strongly encourages applicants from the United States or upper middle-income countries to partner with sites in LMICs.

AIDS Research Center on Mental Health and HIV/AIDS (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
LOI Deadline: July 25, 2021
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Division of AIDS Research (DAR) encourages applications for Center Core grants (P30) to support HIV/AIDS Research Centers (ARC). The ARC is intended to provide infrastructure support that facilitates the development of high impact science in HIV/AIDS and mental health that is relevant to the NIMH mission. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to support innovative, interdisciplinary research in several areas, including basic, NeuroHIV, behavioral and social, integrated biobehavioral, applied, clinical, translational, and implementation science.

*Newly Added*
Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: August 24, 2021
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), with other NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs), is soliciting applications on (1) observational research to understand the role of structural racism and discrimination (SRD) in causing and sustaining health disparities, and (2) intervention research that addresses SRD in order to improve minority health or reduce health disparities.

Events and Lectures

Elements of Effective Coalitions
April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, & 18, 2021, 1:30-2:30pm
*Space limited- registration required*
This 7-week series offers a unique interactive experience that provides participants an opportunity to learn more about the key organizational elements that assist coalitions of all types to operate efficiently and effectively. This series will have a special focus on coalitions that promote healthy youth development to reduce substance misuse and other related problem behaviors. Participants will explore a variety of organizational principles that will assist them in the overall development of their coalition by learning more about how to engage and sustain involvement of key stakeholders and members over time, how to utilize dynamic group-development strategies, and how their efforts can connect with other coalition efforts in their area.

Picture a Scientist Screening and Panel Q&A Discussion
April 7, 2021, 5:00-6:00pm
Panel Q&A link:
The UW School of Medicine’s Graduate Medical Education, Dean’s Standing Committee for Women in Medicine and Science, Office of Faculty Affairs, Research and Graduated Education, Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs, Office of Healthcare Equity (SOM) and the Health Sciences Library are pleased to announce the screening of the documentary Picture a Scientist followed by a panel discussion about women in the sciences and the challenges and the issues they face. The documentary chronicles the experiences of biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring in the sciences, ranging from brutal harassment to years of subtle slights. Along the way, from cramped laboratories to spectacular field stations, we encounter scientific luminaries – including social scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists – who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all. Watch the film, then please join in on the live conversation! The film will be available for viewing from April 2-4; a streaming code will be emailed to registered attendees. Registration required: click here.

On-the-Spot Consultation: Desperately Seeking Data
April 7, 2021, 2:00-3:00pm
How do you move forward with prevention planning without current data on outcomes or risk and protective factors?  How can does someone monitor program effectiveness without these data? Drop-in and join us for this On-the-Spot Consultation with Kevin Haggerty, John Briney, and Kathryn Bruzios from the Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC) to address these and other data issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will share why we use data and tips for using the data you have. We will also share resources and action steps to address the desperation that comes with the lack of current data and how to move forward. Please bring your questions and challenges with finding and utilizing data to this interactive session.

School of Social Work: Research Conversations
April 7, 2021, 12:00-1:00pm (Zoom link here)
May 5, 2021, 12:00-1:00pm (Zoom link here)

Purpose: The Office for Faculty Excellence and Research will host a coming together of colleagues to learn and share in informal conversations to support each others’ work. This gathering is planned to be something very different from our usual formal research presentations or colloquia series. It is an opportunity to get to know our colleagues better by hearing a presentation of an unformed study idea, or paper, or anything related to research, and then brainstorming reactions by offering each other insights and support to shape and refine this in-process research into a finer scholarly product.

Using a Racial Equity Theory of Change to Facilitate Collaboration Between University Researchers and a Community Based Organization
April 7, 2021 – 8:30 – 9:45am
Ilene Schwartz PhD, BCBA-D, Professor of Special Education and Director of the Haring Center for Research and Training in Education at the University of Washington and Ginger Kwan, Executive Director of Open Doors for Multicultural Families. Dr. Schwartz’s research focuses on autism, inclusive education, and the sustainability of educational interventions. She is the director of Project DATA, a model reschool program for children with autism that has been in operation since 1997; and is currently working on projects to improve the quality of inclusive educational services in Washington state for students in P-12.

Racial Violence and the Fight for Racial Justice
April 12, 2021, 11:00am-12:00pm
This panel, part 4 of the 4-part Washington Institute for the Study of Inequality and Race (WISIR) series on Contemporary Race & Politics in the United States, will discuss where we stand now one year after Breonna Taylor’s death. Registration required.

The Roots of Helping, Sharing, and Caring
April 21, 6:30-8:30pm
Ross A. Thompson is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, where he directs the Social and Emotional Development Lab. In this presentation, Dr. Thompson will discuss fresh insights into the development of human caring from a surprising source: studies of young children. These studies provide a developmental portrayal of early childhood in which the capacities for social and emotional understanding and its enlistment into helping, sharing, and caring emerge concurrently with greater understanding of ingroup-outgroup discrimination. Register here.

Implicit Bias in Healthcare and Research
May 4, 2021, 10:30am-12:00pm
This interactive training is designed to help faculty and researchers counteract bias in health care and research through small and large group activities and discussions, videos, and reflections. The workshop will situate implicit bias within other equity-related concepts; provide examples of how implicit biases arise from our natural cognitive processes + social environments; discuss how implicit bias shows up in health care and research; and provide evidence-based ways to interrupt bias and best practices for conducting equitable research through each phase of the research process. Registration required.

Indigenous Systems of Relationality: Designing for Transformative Agency in Indigenous Community Psychology
May 5, 2021 – 8:30 – 9:45am
Emma Elliott-Groves, Ph.D., MSW – Assistant Professor in the Department of Learning Sciences and Human Development in the College of Education, UW. Dr. Elliott-Groves’ research centers on understanding the meanings and explanations of suicidal behavior from the perspective of Indigenous peoples’. By employing a strengths-based approach to recovery, Dr. Elliott-Groves rigorously engages youth, families, and communities in the development of integrated behavioral health interventions to address complex social issues. Her research centers on ethical frameworks generated by Indigenous and place-based knowledge and practices to create process-centered approaches that illuminate Indigenous pathways toward collective livelihood.

Culturally Responsive School Mental Health Interventions
June 2, 2021 – 8:30 – 9:45am
Janine Jones, PhD, NCSP – Professor of School Psychology and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Education, UW. Dr. Jones’ research focuses on providing culturally responsive school based interventions that address the socio-emotional health of students of color. Her work is framed around the belief that providing culturally responsive services and promoting resilience within the cultural context creates the path toward serving the “whole child.” She also consults with school personnel on culturally responsive practices that enhance teacher/student relationships and reduce some of the barriers associated with intractable opportunity gaps for students of color in schools.

Conferences and Workshops

Prevention Ethics for Alaska Native and American Indian Prevention Practitioners
April 5, 8, 12, 15, & 19, 2021, 1:00-2:30pm
This 3-week, 5-session series, designed for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Prevention Practitioners and individuals working primarily with AI/AN communities and organizations to prevent substance misuse, offers an interactive experience for participants to explore the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics using realistic examples designed to strengthen American Indian Alaska Native (AI/AN) prevention practitioners’ capacity to manage challenging situations in their work in AI/AN organizations and communities. Components of this learning series include individual pre-session learning assignments, live videoconference group sessions, facilitated discussion, skills-based learning activities, and practice applying an ethical decision-making process. Registration required.

Elements of Effective Coalitions
April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, & 18, 2021, 1:00-2:30pm
This 7-week series provides participants an opportunity to learn more about the key organizational elements that assist coalitions of all types to operate efficiently and effectively. This series will have a special focus on coalitions that promote healthy youth development to reduce substance misuse and other related problem behaviors. Participants will explore a variety of organizational principles that will assist them in the overall development of their coalition by learning more about how to engage and sustain involvement of key stakeholders and members over time, how to utilize dynamic group-development strategies, and how their efforts can connect with other coalition efforts in their area. Registration required.

Network of Minority Health Research Investigators Annual Workshop
Registration Deadline: April 9, 2021
Workshop: April 28-30, 2021
This virtual 3-day workshop will cover topics such as NIH application processes, funding opportunities for gender research and health disparities, community research, and COVID-19 research. Breakout sessions will allow opportunities for networking.

39th Annual Protecting Our Children National American Indian Conference
April 11-14, 2021 – online
This four-day conference will have keynote speakers ranging from federal officials at the highest level of government to youth with lived experience in child welfare systems. They will also share the latest research on the well-being of AI/AN children and effective child welfare and children’s mental health services, practices, and policies.

8th Annual Global Well-Being and Social Change Conference (Virtual)
April 14-16, 2021
This year’s theme: GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP: ACKNOWLEDGING INTERCONNECTEDNESS AND CULTIVATING SOCIAL JUSTICE, is more relevant than ever. In the midst of a global pandemic, systemic racial injustice, and global environmental crisis related to climate change, our connection to other groups and cultures is more evident. We invite individuals from across disciplines, to identify what works and to respond with innovation to challenges that have proven particularly resistant to change.

Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice Symposiums
April 15-16, 2021: Strategies for Achieving Racial Justice in Social Work Education
Social work has a complex history of upholding White supremacy alongside a goal to achieve racial justice. Moreover, our profession simultaneously practices within racist systems and works to dismantle them. In the wake of a fervent #BlackLivesMatter movement and persistent racial disparities in key social welfare institutions, these paradoxes have come to the forefront of discussion in academic and practice circles. This unique moment presents an opportunity to interrogate our profession’s relationship to White supremacy and racial justice in order to reimagine an anti-racist future.

*Newly Added*
Virtual 2021 Summer Mentoring Workshop for Advanced Doctoral Students who conduct African American Research
Application Deadline: April 19, 2021
Workshop: June 3-5, 2021 (Virtual)

This workshop, hosted by the Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research and Program for Research on Black Americans, emphasizes training in numerous areas including: 1) publishing in peer review journals, 2) writing grant proposals to the NIH, 3) the tenure process, 4) ethical conduct of research, 5) successful mentoring and collaborative relationships, and, most importantly, 6) how to navigate the academy.
This workshop is for advanced graduate students. The primary objectives are on research skill enhancement, career mentoring, and professional development.

2nd Annual Virtual Conference: Advances in Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Clinical Tools for Treating Adolescents and Young Adults
April 20, 2021
This one-day virtual symposium brings together experts to provide state of the art updates on evidence-based mindfulness and acceptance approaches to improving lives of adolescents and young adults struggling with a broad array of obstacles to living a rich, full and meaningful life. The symposium is appropriate for mental health professionals and students who are new to ACT and mindfulness as well as those who are well versed in practicing these approaches in their clinical work. Participants will learn from case examples, experiential exercises, and group discussions, and will have opportunities to network with professionals with shared interests in treating adolescents and young adults. A “data-blitz” in the afternoon will provide opportunities to learn a snapshot of some of the latest clinical research in this area.

American Society of Addiction Medicine 2021 Virtual Conference
April 22-23, 2021
ASAM Virtual.2021 highlights best practices and the latest science, research, and innovations in addiction medicine from leading experts in the field. For the second year, ASAM is offering is offering two-and-a-half-days of 60-75 hours of CME/CE/MOC, high-quality education, innovative topics, sessions, posters and supplemental virtual courses in a completely online platform.

NED Conference for Research Coordinators
April 23, 2021
Registration is now open for Networking to Enhance Development (NED), a conference by and for research coordinators to develop contacts, share ideas, and learn from peers. This year’s conference will be a 90-minute virtual conference. Learn more and register here.

18th Hawai’i International Virtual Summit
April 26-30, 2021
Registration for the Institute of Violence, Abuse, and Trauma’s 18th Hawai’i International Virtual Summit is now open. Join us and get a chance to learn from hundreds of experts in the field of interpersonal violence prevention and intervention, who will share their knowledge, experience and expertise. You will get an opportunity to interact with community leaders, experts, researchers, practitioners, consumer-survivors, policy makers and advocates, and other professionals from around the world that are working to eradicate violence & abuse, and heal trauma.

National LGBTQ Health Conference
May 20-21, 2021
The National LGBTQ Health Conference is an interdisciplinary translational research conference bringing together scientists, public health professionals, and healthcare providers to discuss issues affecting the health and wellbeing of the LGBTQ community. The largest scientific gathering of its kind in the United States, the conference also fosters professional development and provides networking opportunities. The 2021 conference will be held virtually.

2021 NOFSW Virtual Conference Forging a Path Towards Equity
June 16-18, 2021
Routes towards equity look different for all types of helping professionals. A forensic social worker might contemplate “how could clients, families, communities, organizations, laws, policies, and outcomes be different if I am truly successful at what I do?” The possibilities are limitless…

  • Extra-legal factors including race/ethnicity would not influence encounters with law enforcement and the courts, which would in turn decrease disparities in juvenile and justice systems.
  • Service providers would better understand their clients mental and physical health, substance abuse challenges, and trauma histories and be able to treat them more effectively.
  • Prevention practices would supersede punitive practices such that diversion, restorative justice, mediation, specialty courts, etc. are provided more often than punishment and incapacitation.
  •  Cycles of domestic violence would be broken.
  • Zip codes would no longer correlate to better or worse health outcomes, longer or shorter life expectancies, or the likelihood of going to college or getting a job.

*Newly Added*
July 26-30, 2021
Conducting Intervention Research in Criminal Justice Settings
This workshop will prepare you to design and research behavioral or policy interventions that address needs, problems, and conditions related to criminal justice involvement and the criminal justice system. The overall focus of workshop activities is on the process of designing and developing a behavioral or policy intervention manual and an NIH (or equivalent) research grant proposal. Registration required.

Postdoctoral Fellowships and Training Opportunities

Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Denver
Deadline: April 9, 2021 
The Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW) is a collegial and progressive community of scholars who conduct a range of research with diverse populations across the life cycle and who are committed to excellence in teaching. The school’s curriculum, research, and community partnerships emphasize social justice, and social work values and ethics, with an understanding of and respect for social and cultural diversity. GSSW provides a supportive environment that fosters interdisciplinary and community-based research. The faculty at GSSW engages in major collaborative projects locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the Denver metropolitan area and state of Colorado offer excellent opportunities for research addressing a variety of populations. GSSW and the University of Denver are committed to enhancing the diversity of faculty and staff. This is a two year appointment.

*Newly Added*
T32 Training Program in Drug Abuse and Implementation Science
Application Deadline: May 17, 2021

Arizona State University, the Department of Psychology and REACH Institute in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Health Solutions invites applications for a 2-year NIDA-funded T32 Postdoctoral Research Scholar training program focusing on closing the research-practice gap in drug abuse prevention. Training is delivered through individually-tailored programs of coursework in drug abuse and implementation science and mentored research experience. Trainees select multiple mentors from a large and multidisciplinary faculty whose work includes preventive interventions with children, youth, and families in settings including schools, health care, community mental health settings, and family courts. Emphases include implementation science for the adoption and sustainability of preventive interventions in natural service delivery settings, interventions for ethnically diverse populations, and quantitative methods in prevention science. The program is particularly interested in applicants with the potential to bring to their research careers the critical perspective that comes from their understanding of the experiences of groups historically underrepresented in research and higher education.

Mental Health & Implementation Science Postdoctoral Training
Deadline: Open Until Filled
Starts in July 2021
This postdoctoral training in mental health services research at Washington University in St. Louis starts in July, 2021. This program, supported by a National Research Service Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, aims to expand the pool of investigators capable of undertaking mental health services and systems research with focus on the implementation of evidence based mental health care, globally or domestically. The program provides multidisciplinary training for two years. A mentoring team is established for each post-doctoral research scholar to guide their development as a researcher and authorship of independently funded research proposals. Applications are invited from individuals with an earned M.D., or Ph.D. from such fields as social work, psychology, health services, organizational psychology, nursing, anthropology, public health, economics or management.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Gerontology and Community-Based Intervention
Deadline: Open Until Filled
George Mason University’s Department of Social Work invites applications for a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Gerontology and Community-Based Intervention Research. This fellowship program focuses on community-based intervention research for older adults with health issues. Our gerontology research team (Drs. Ihara, Inoue, and Tompkins) has a particular focus on non-pharmacological interventions for individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. Current grant-funded projects examine two specific interventions for individuals living with dementia – personalized music (M3I: The Mason Music & Memory Initiative) and creative storytelling (TimeSlips).

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Work and Gerontology
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Center for Interventions to Enhance Community Health (CiTECH), in conjunction with the School of Social Work and the Department of Psychiatry, at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce a postdoctoral fellowship in Social Work and Gerontology commencing in the Fall of 2021. This two-year postdoctoral training program provides mentorship and support for fellows to develop their research agendas on mental health and/or substance misuse interventions for older adults in community-based settings. Fellows will have the opportunity to work with researchers from across academic disciplines engaged in research activities related to older adults, obtain grant writing skills, publish scholarly articles, and present their work at local and national conferences. The fellowship supports salary, health insurance, funds for research expenses, and travel to attend one national conference.

Call for Papers and Abstracts

Social Service Review Special Issue: “The Afterlife of Mass Incarceration”
Deadline April 30, 2021

Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference
Deadline: April 30, 2021
The Society for Social Work and Research is excited to welcome abstract submissions for the 2022 Annual Conference: Social Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, which will be held January 12-16, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Abstracts may be submitted in these formats: (1) oral paper presentation; (2) ePoster presentation; (3) symposium of three or more papers on the same topic to be presented in the same session; (4) roundtable, and (5) workshop.

A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare
Deadline: May 20, 2021
The 2021 Call for Proposals is now open for the Kempe Center’s International Virtual Conference, A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare! October 4 -7, 2021. The Kempe Conference Team is looking for to bold, innovative, cutting-edge, and out-of-the-box thinking professionals in our field who are committed to transforming systems and communities.

Special Issue: Journal of Teaching in Social Work
Deadline: June 01, 2021
The principal focus of the special issue will be on how to strengthen and enhance the curricula of accredited social work programs with respect to preparing graduates to better understand systemic anti-Black racism

Special Issue, Dual Pandemics: Creating Racially-Just Responses to a Changing Environment throuigh Research, Practice and Education
Deadline: June 15, 2021
The Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work as well as Grand Challenges for Social Work are committed to promoting and disseminating knowledge that calls for the dismantling of systemic racism and creating racially just responses to the dual pandemics. This Special Issue welcomes submissions of regular research articles and Practice Corner manuscripts related to the following topics:

  • Conceptual pieces that contribute to a clear definition and shared understanding of constructs such as anti-racist research, anti-racist practice, racial justice, etc.
  • Scholarly pieces that utilize impactful knowledge including but not limited to critical race theory, indigenous knowledge, etc. on research, practice, and social work pedagogy
  • Research and scholarship that centers race as a key variable and examines the impact of systemic racism, oppression, and White supremacy on the studied phenomena, particularly around COVID-19.
  • Micro, mezzo, and macro social work practice that aims to prevent or eliminate the negative impact of racism and White supremacy on individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities.
  • Micro, mezzo, and macro social work practice that aims to promote racial justice, equity, and inclusion among individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities.
  • Scholarship and research that refine the construct and examine or evaluate the practice of anti-racist pedagogy in social work education.

The database for BIPOC-Authored Social Work Papers
Deadline: Ongoing
The BIPOC-Authored Papers for Social Work database was created in an effort to amplify BIPOC voices and perspectives, and to increase the representation of BIPOC authors across social work curriculum. As faculty engage in critical analysis of their syllabi and curricula, the availability of BIPOC-authored materials is an essential element of dismantling the white supremacy embedded in social work and transforming social work education and practice. As a crowd-sourced database, this collaborative endeavor has the potential to elevate academic excellence and enhance a diverse, inclusive, values-based learning environment. It is our hope that this database will contribute to transformational education as students are exposed to a diversity of ideas, people, and materials.

Call for Papers Related to COVID-19
Deadline: Rolling Submission
The COVID-19 pandemic poses a risk to well-being, livelihood, and human rights.  It has exacerbated existing health disparities experienced by traditionally oppressed groups including older adults, low-wage workers and those living in poverty, and people with underlying health conditions. However, the human rights implications go beyond this to widen other human rights gaps including the right to education, the right to free speech, and the right to a fair trial. Public policies and practices that intentionally or unintentionally favor positive outcomes for certain groups over others violate human rights and must be rectified.

The co-editors of the Journal of Human Rights and Social Work expect that these human rights violations will not pass with the first wave of the disease, but will rather continue to grow and/or come to light. As a result, rather than a one-time special issue of the journal, we invite authors to contribute relevant articles on a rolling basis for peer review.

Check your Online CV!
Please go online here and check the CV that is online for you. Many of these have not been updated for years and we want to make sure we are putting our/your best foot forward to everyone. Please send your updated CVs to as soon as possible. Thank you!

Process for submitting a grant application through SSW
OFFER has created a new proposal timeline, a step by step guide outlining all the steps involved from starting through completing the research grant application process at SSW. This form, along with a sample proposal checklist and other useful information can be accessed through MySSW/ProposalDevelopment/Getting Started.

We encourage our readers to submit postings to be included to help us stay relevant to the broad range of social work research interests.
Please email Tasha Murphy at
to circulate information on funding opportunities, publications, and events. 

To access an array of research resources, including guiding principles, proposal development, sample grant applications, human subject reviews and more go to MySSW. For information on the latest COVID-19 research opportunities, go here.


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