Part-time Quiz Section Leader Summer Job Opportunity

The University of Washington Upward Bound program is seeking graduate students to serve as quiz section leaders for the virtual Upward Bound Summer Academy. The course, College Success: An Introduction to Academic Essentials, is designed to introduce students to skills and resources needed to be a successful college student. Monica Viharo, Doctoral Candidate, UW School of Drama will serve as the instructor.


When: Classes run Monday, June 28-Friday, August 6. No classes on July 5, 16, 23, and 30 due to fieldtrips and holidays. The class will be offered from 10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m. Quiz sections leaders will be on-line from 9:45-11. Quiz section leaders will also hold office hours and attend staff meetings.


Responsibilities: Attend the class; lead small group discussions and activities; grade assignments in Canvas; develop some lesson plans related to your field’s academic essentials, and create a positive learning environment for students.


Qualifications and Experience: Bachelor’s degree or graduate school attendance, and instructional experience at the secondary or/post-secondary level. Experience teaching low-income/first-generation college students desired.


Time Commitment and Compensation: Approximately 15 hours a week. $29/hour.


Upward Bound is a College Access Program of the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity.


How to Apply: Position available until filled. To ensure consideration, please send a cover letter and resume to Roseann London by Friday, May 28 at


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