Mental Health Needs Assessment and Services for Social Work Students – Reply by 08/06

Dear School of Social Work students (both continuing and incoming),

The SSW is trying to better meet the mental health needs of all our students and we’ve hired a .5 mental health specialist, Lev Cunningham,  who created a *brief* survey to ask about your needs and preferences for drop-in support, workshops, and more.  The survey is anonymous, unless you choose to write-in your information in the open comment field.

Your answers will influence the free mental health services offered by the SSW!  If you’re able, please take the time to let us know what you want and need by taking this short survey by August 6th!

And, there are currently services being offered this summer.  For more info and to learn more about our mental health specialist, check out this canvas page.

Thank you for your input!

SSW Student Services and

Lev Cunningham, MSW

Mental Health Specialist, School of Social Work


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