Student Speaker for Sexual Assault and Reproductive Healthcare Needed – 12/5

One of ASUW’s collaborators, the Office of Government Relations (OGR), is hosting a Legislative Reception on the 5th of December from 5:00-7:30PM in the HUB (North Ballroom). This is an event in which students can directly engage with legislators and other governmental staff in Washington, and learn about community and legislative affairs both at a state and federal level. Additionally, a free catered dinner will be provided.

ASUW is reaching out specifically to put out an ask for student speakers interested in speaking on the topic of sexual assault and/or reproductive healthcare. The chosen individual would be expected to make a 5-10 minute long speech on their personal experience(s) with barriers to accessing survivor resources and/or reproductive healthcare.

This speech is an opportunity for powerful activism, as the chosen student will be directly speaking to legislators across Washington to highlight how important of an issue this is. Further, expanding sexual health and reproductive rights are a high priority in our legislative agenda this year – meaning they will be advocated for by a student employee in Olympia this winter, directly to our state government. Both the Office of Government Relations (OGR) and the Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists (SARVA) are more than willing to work with the student to help them write a speech they are confident in and comfortable with!

If students are interested in speaking at this event, please feel free to reach out to me at or OGR at


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