Student Quotes Request for FI Appreciation Week! – Deadline 5/8

Hello Students!

Our programs could not exist without the large number of professional social workers that take on hosting and mentoring our students. Our Field Instructors and Task Supervisors are often already working in under-resourced systems and are taking on this role on a volunteer basis. Later this quarter we will be celebrating Field Instructor Appreciation Week, May 15th – 19th, and we would like to share words of gratitude as a community for their service. We truly could not do this without them!

While the Office of Field Education can provide a formal thank you, no words from us would mean as much as words from all of you! Please consider taking a moment to share a brief note reflecting your learning from your field instructor (this year or previous) and what you found most valuable about your relationship.

 We are reaching out before the quarter gets too busy and you may have a moment to reflect, especially those of you who are graduating! We are just asking for a sentence or two! Feel free to include your name or not! Please do include your year and program. While you may choose to refer to your field instructor by first name, please do not include details about the agency or field site.

Please submit to by May 8th! These quotes will be complied to be shared with our Field Instructor and school community during Field Appreciation Week!



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