Applications Open for WSSCSW Outstanding Student Paper Award (Due May 17th)

The Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work (WSSCSW) is a professional organization of clinical social workers practicing in a variety of settings, including (but not limited to) mental health clinics, family service agencies, hospitals and medical clinics and private practices. The WSSCSW offers its members continuing educational opportunities, legislative advocacy including lobbying, network and professional growth opportunities and special programs for new professionals.

A part of our mission is to support and promote high standards of practice for those entering the profession. To this end we offer the Outstanding Student Paper Award to Washington State social work students in their graduating year. Two student papers are chosen each year as winners. First place is awarded $500 and second place is awarded $300 and both receive a free one-year membership to WSSCSW and free entry for one year to all WSSCSW professional development events. Both winning papers will be announced at the WSSCSW’s annual members dinner in summer of 2024 (date TBD) as well as acknowledged and published online.

Details: You must be a current social work student in your graduating year of a BASW or MSW program in Washington State. You do not need to be a member of WSSCSW to submit or to win. Please adhere to the following guidelines for your paper to be considered:

• Entries must contain a single cover page describing “Why I want to be a Clinical Social Worker.”

• Entries must be a previously written clinical practice paper, during your current social work program, that contains both clinical case material and discussion of theory applying to the understanding and treatment of a case.

• The paper must be presented in an integrated, cogent way that is double-spaced, in 12-point font, no more than 12 pages (you can edit a longer paper to less than 12 pages) and conformed to APA formatting standards with citations.

Papers will be reviewed by a committee of social worker volunteer readers and winners will be notified in early June. Please submit your paper no later than May 17th 2024 by emailing a PDF of your paper along with your contact information with the subject line: 2024 Student Paper Award.

Please submit questions and paper submissions to: Melissa Wood Brewster and Andy Ensor, Associates Co-Chairs:


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