Community Healing Circle Invitation – 4/18

Join the UW School of Social Work community for a healing circle focused on the ongoing injustice taking place in Palestine, facilitated by Haneen Ahmad, MSW, LICSW.  All students, faculty, and staff of the School of Social Work are warmly invited.

RSVP Here:

Together, we’ll create a space for collective processing of emotions, affirming the validity of our feelings amidst this crisis. Through mutual support, dialogue, and creative arts we’ll honor the right to our emotions and work towards healing in solidarity.

About the facilitator:
Haneen Ahmed, LICSW is the founder of Zane Counseling and an alum of the UW School of Social Work.  

Date & Time: Thursday, April 18th from 4:30-6pm
Location: UW School of Social Work 305A


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