Happy Hour Event w/Mindful Therapy

Join us for a Happy Hour for associate therapists and upcoming masters-level graduates, at Halcyon Brewing Company (8564 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103) on April 25th at 6pm. Food and drinks will be provided, along with live music. There will be opportunities to connect with other associates, as well as with experienced supervisors from our group who regularly mentor associate clinicians. We will also take some time to talk about our Supervised Associate Program and discuss potential opportunities available with our group. 

Our program has several unique advantages for associates. As they come onboard, we facilitate a pairing with a qualified supervisor who will oversee them and their practice as they work with our group. This supervisory relationship allows associates to bill client insurance plans for their services, providing an avenue for clients to find affordable care with our supervised associates. This also means that the associates are compensated at higher rates than are often available to associate clinicians. 

The goal of all of this is provide clinical oversight and reasonably sized caseloads to ensure that associates can deliver quality care, while also receiving a compensation that allows them to live comfortably as they work toward independent licensure. We’ve seen a lot of success in this program, and UW SSW alum such as Ry Bolding and Jeff Wagner have been just a few of the folks to benefit from it.

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