Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH) Conference – May 18th

The Anti-Racism and Community Health (ARCH) Conference is a day-long program conference on Saturday, May 18th from 10AM-4PM in the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health. ARCH works to facilitate a collaborative environment to identify and prioritize needs, barriers, and solutions in confronting how racism and white supremacy have caused detrimental health outcomes in our communities.

The conference will feature a range of public health professionals as speakers, workshop leaders, and panelists. As a collective, speakers and attendees will critically examine their own identities and lived experiences to question how our health has been impacted by racism. The cost of attendance for this year’s conference is $5 for UW Community members, and fee waivers are available. Food, drink, dessert & coffee are included in the ticket. You are welcome to check-in at any time before 3pm the day of the conference. More information is available on our Instagram, @scphuw! We hope to see you there!


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