SSW Licensure Workshops (5/9 & 5/16)

Hello DAY/AS students! Interested in being a licensed social worker? Are you curious about the steps to get there? Join us for our SSW Spring Career Series: Social Work Licensure Workshops- which aim to inform and train you for your ventures into becoming officially licensed.

There are TWO events- one open to the public, and one specific for the UW SSW community. See below for event logistics and registration details.

1.) “What Students Need To Know About Licensure”, a NASW Social Work Licensure Workshop — hosted by the Washington Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers 

Join the NASW-WA Membership Engagement Committee to learn more about the social work licensure in Washington and beyond!  This event is open to anyone–read more information here.

2.) Social Work Licensure Workshop for UW SSW — Presented by Jeremy Arp, Executive Director of the Washington Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers 

This session is specifically for our UW SSW community and will cover similar information as their session on 5/9 and will also allow opportunity for follow-up questions.   This session will be recorded and available after.

Ready to RSVP? Let us know which events you’re interested in attending so we can send you a reminder the day before:


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