StolenYouth Town Hall

My name is Kaylee and I am writing on behalf of StolenYouth, a local nonprofit that is working to end child sex trafficking in Washington state. We are doing this by expanding the community’s awareness and ability to appropriately intervene on behalf of young people coerced into the sex trade and to work together for sustainable and system-wide change in our community. We provide funding to support an innovative collaboration of local organizations that brings together the strengths of direct service, policy development and the public sector.

On November 6th, we have our Annual Town Hall event that will focus on the intersection between foster care, homelessness, and child sex trafficking.  We would love to invite you, your colleagues, and students to attend and hear from our panel comprised of experts in each of the fields.

Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in learning more about StolenYouth and this event


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