NEW WEBINAR! GC to Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality – On 9/18/19


Current Strategies to Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality 

Focusing on work, income, and inclusive wealth-building strategies to reduce economic inequality through macro social work practice

September 18, 2019
2pm ET / 11am PT

Register today! – Webinar seems to be free!

Are you interested in how social workers and allies can fight for economic justice? Do you teach about economic issues as part of your macro course curriculum? Want to know more about universal basic income, building secure middle class jobs, fighting predatory financial products, or building wealth across the lifespan?

This webinar will explore the ideas of the Grand Challenge to Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality and their implications for macro social work. Four programs from around the country will be highlighted and there will be ample opportunity for Q&A. The material will be presented in a format that is useful for classroom teaching and will include a recording for future use.

Special Guests:

  • Amy Castro Baker, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, and Co-Principal Investigator, Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration evaluation
  • Jody Chong (Blaylock), Project Manager for Financial Equity, Heartland Alliance, Chicago, IL
  • Reid Cramer, Director, Millennials Initiative at New America, Washington, DC
  • Nicole Vallestero Keenan-Lai, Executive Director, Puget Sound Sage, Seattle, WA

Register today!

Visit the GCSW YouTube channel to view prior Grand Challenges for Social Work Webinars.

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