A Public Talk: “From Waiting to Burning: Hong Kong in 2014 and 2019” – 10/21

“From Waiting to Burning: Hong Kong in 2014 and 2019”
October 21 @ 5:00 pm, Gowen Hall 201
Speaker: Professor Lai Kwan Pang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

This talk first brings us back five years ago when the Umbrella Movement, the biggest and most peaceful one among all other occupy movements globally, unfolded in Hong Kong, generating a rich surge of creativity and also boundless frustrations. The political demands were fallen on deaf ears, but occupiers developed sincere bonding among each other, and they lived the central democratic idea of cohabitation. Five years after, when the hope for democracy is simply denied, the Hong Kong protesters are seemingly discarding their hard-earned democratic logic to embrace a more violent confrontational logic. But democracy is still at the core in the soul of this city, probably more so than most liberal-democratic countries.

Seats are limited, please RSVP here.


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