Interested in body liberation? Check out SWAG: Sizeism, Weightism Advocacy Group – posted 10/21

Do you care about issues of body liberation, size/weight diversity, eating disorders, fat acceptance, and body image?

UW SWAG (Sizeism, Weightism Advocacy Group) is a group that believes in supporting size diversity and body respect for all. We work at integrating an understanding of size and weight discrimination into an intersectional understanding of social justice issues. We typically plan events based around sizeism advocacy, body-positive community building, eating disorder recovery and awareness, and body image exploration. If you are interested in any of these issues, please feel free to come and check out the group.

For our first meeting of the year, we will meet Friday November 1 at 2:30pm-4:00pm in Room 306 at the UW School of Social Work. At the meeting, we will get to know each other at bit, and discuss what we would like to do as a group this year. Please come and bring your ideas! Also, feel free to contact me directly with any questions about the group, or if you are not able to attend, but would like to get connected with other folks.


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