Global Challenges Events – On 11/6/19

Do impacts of big tech reflect societal values?

I want to personally extend an invitation to join us at the annual Global Challenges event. Each year UW Honors produces an event for the entire campus community and beyond focused around a ‘global challenge’ that students have identified as important to them, and something they care about investigating in their education, regardless of discipline or major. This year the students have selected “Technology, Ethics, and Social Change”. Come join the conversation with campus and community leaders around this important topic.

The University of Washington Honors Program presents:

Technology, Ethics and Social Change: Who Cares?
November 6, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
HUB North Ballroom

UW Honors is excited to bring together speakers Anna Lauren Hoffmann (UW iSchool), Ece Kamar (Microsoft Research) and Shankar Narayan (ACLU) for a fast-paced interdisciplinary conversation about the political, economic and social forces that govern (or don’t govern) rapidly evolving digital technologies.

UW Honors Program: HONORS.UW.EDU

If you would like reserved seating within easy sight of our event’s American Sign Language interpreter, please email To request any other disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY) or, preferably at least 10 days in advance of the event.

Join Us!


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