Scholarship & admission application workshops this week, and more resources – Starting on 10/29/19

With October coming to a close, the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards is turning our attention to supporting students and alumni in applying for upcoming scholarships with deadlines this winter, as well as supporting applications for admission to majors, graduate school, summer research programs, and other similar kinds of programs that typically have deadlines falling November-January. Most of these applications will ask for resumes or CVs, personal statements, recommendation letters, and more so we have a schedule of workshops for students to get a head start! Please share with your students as applicable:

CV & Resumes for Scholarships, Fellowships and Admission Applications

Tuesday, October 29 | 4pm | MGH 171

Let us know you’re planning to attend

Getting Started with Scholarships

Friday, November 1 | 1:30pm | Allen Library Auditorium

Let us know you’re planning to attend

Scholarships for juniors, seniors and beyond: Scholarships 201

Monday, November 4 | 4pm | MGH 171

Let us know you’re planning to attend

Personal Statement Writing Workshops

Wednesday, November 6 | 3:30 pm | MGH 171

Thursday, November 7 | 4pm | MGH 171

Let us know you’re planning to attend

Getting Great Recommendation Letters

Wednesday, November 13  | 4pm | MGH 171

Let us know you’re planning to attend

Check out our online calendar for more dates and details:

More news and upcoming events:

**NEW: OMSFA is on Instagram. Follow us @uwomsfa.

SAVE the DATE: Scholarship Fair 2020

January 15, 2020, 11am-1pm, HUB Street

Mark your calendars to join us to meet with scholarship representatives from UW, local, national and international scholarship programs!


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