UW Hotspotting Team Application

The application for the 2020-21 Hotspotting team is open until February 12th, 2020.

Hotspotting is an inter-professional health focused team, meaning we are students from all different disciplines (pharmacy, social work, nursing, medicine, nutrition, dental) working together. Our goal is to work with people who have unmet health needs and are using the healthcare system for preventable reasons. We work together to identify goals from the patient along with other needs during the ~8 month participation from the patient in the program. Some examples of patient goals is education on disease and medication, assistance finding resources, care coordination, attending appointments, and home visits.

It is a unique opportunity to work with patients in health promotion/empowerment and develop relationships with other disciplines.

The application link is:

Please do not hesitate with any questions. My contact information is


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