Social Work Asian & Pacific Islanders (SWAPI) Group Talk – 3/6

Social Work Asian and Pacific Islanders (SWAPI) group (for MSW, BASW, PhD Students, Faculty and Staff)

TALK STORY with API Faculty and Staff

Friday, March 6, 11:30am-1:30pm in Room 116

Guest speakers Jennifer Maglalang (Director of Admissions) and Alice Ryan (part-time instructor, former OFE Faculty)

Jenn –

Alice –

RSVP – by Friday, February 28.

Remember to Save the Date for April and May SWAPI:

  • April 17, 2020
  • May 1, 2020

Definition of Talk Story: “Talk Story (‘olelo Kama’ilio) is sharing ideas, stories, history and opinions. It is two or more people taking the time out of the day to slow down and talk. In Hawai’i it is just the normal way of interacting with our neighbors.” And talk story means you’re getting to know one another. You’re stopping to interact and to listen and to really just share something of yourself with someone else.”  source

So far our SWAPI Talk Story speakers have been Dean Uehara, Kalei Kanuha, Mike Spencer, Jane Lee, Norma Timbang, Stan de Mello, and Stella Gran-O’Donnell.


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