Active Community Treatment Team COVID-19 Discussion Board

The Active Community Treatment Team has created a Virtual Discussion Forum to help organize information, resources, and strategies used across teams. You can participate in the forum as a guest, or sign up as a member. Within the Discussion Forum are specific board topics:

  • Support for ACT Service Recipients;
  • Support for ACT Team Staff;
  • Info and Updates: Federal Sources;
  • Info and Updates: State and Local Sources; ACT Fidelity and COVID-19 Pandemic; and Words of Encouragement.
  • Click on a board of interest to read existing threads, react to threads, post new threads.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a multidisciplinary, team-based model that provides intensive community-based and outreach-oriented services to people who experience the most severe and persistent mental illness. The vast majority also have a co-occurring substance use disorder and many experience comorbid medical illnesses as well as homelessness. This is a vulnerable population and their providers – ACT teams – are at elevated risk themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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