DSM/OneHealth Looking for Clinic Outreach Manager Volunteer

University District Street Medicine (UDSM) will be transitioning leadership this quarter.  The leadership term will last from end of Spring quarter 2021 to end of Spring quarter 2022 and previous volunteer experience with UDSM is not required.

We have one volunteer position that would especially benefit from having the resource connection and public health focus of social work students with the OneHealth Clinic.

In this role, you would be the UDSM Outreach Manager at the OneHealth clinic.  You would attend bi-monthly outreaches, coordinate with faculty and leadership from the Onehealth clinic, and help to familiarize volunteers with the work flow of the clinic.  With UDSM, you would coordinate with other leadership and attend (or watch recorded) monthly meetings.  The time commitment for this role is approximately 5-10 hours per week.

To learn more about UDSM visit:

To learn more about OneHealth visit:

If you are interested in the role or have any questions, email Melissa Mossar at


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