Call for Applications to the Demographic Methods Certificate Program – Deadline 5/28

CSDE’s Graduate Training Program is now accepting applications from graduate students who would like to pursue training in demographic research by becoming CSDE trainees–either by pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Demographic Methods or by pursuing the non-Certificate Track, which involves fewer course requirements and allows students to have access to CSDE resources, though students will not receive a demographic certification on their transcript. In addition to receiving excellent training in Demography, trainees also gain access to CSDE’s computing and research resources, opportunities to apply for competitive fellowships, and mentorship opportunities. More details about the program, these two tracks, and how to apply to be a CSDE Trainee are available in the attached Call for Applications.

In the Call for Applications document, you will also see a link to a 20-minute webinar on the program if you would like more information. Of note is that the course requirements for the Certificate Program have significantly decreased this year, and the Certificate is now more accessible than ever to complete!

Students in any PhD or Master’s program are welcome, including terminal/professional Master’s degree programs to apply. As explained in the announcement, the application is in the form of a REDCap survey (link in the Call) and the deadline to apply to the program is Friday May 28th at 5pm. Going forward, we will be accepting applications for the Certificate Program once a year during Spring quarter. This is to help our CSDE trainees create communities with their cohorts, by starting the program and pursuing the courses at similar times.

Christine Leibbrand, PhD (she/her)
Research Scientist and Training Director
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
University of Washington


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