Offer Newsletter: Issue 78

Issue No. 78                                                                        July 27, 2021

Highlighted News and Announcements

Summer is a great time to start work on your next study!
OFFER is standing by to help you with resources at all stages of study development: Conceptualization; feedback on very early drafts of items such as Specific Aim pages; assistance in putting a budget together; navigating the complex grant submission process and much more. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Tasha (, Rona (, or David ( We are here for you now!

New Publications
Floyd, A. S., Lyons, V. H., Whiteside, L. K., Haggerty, K. P., Rivara, F. P., & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. (2021). Barriers to recruitment, retention and intervention delivery in a randomized trial among patients with firearm injuries. Injury Epidemiology, 8, 37.

Heerde, J. A., Bailey, J. A., Kelly, A. B., McMorris, B. J., Patton, G. C., & Toumbourou, J. W. (2021). Life-course predictors of homelessness from adolescence into adulthood: A population-based cohort study. Journal of Adolescence, 91, 15-24.

Selected Funding Opportunities
List of all active NIH grant opportunities

Accessing Social Determinants of Health Data through Local Data Intermediaries Initiative
Deadline: July 27, 2021
The Department of Health and Human Services is soliciting applications for the Accessing Social Determinants of Health through Local Data Intermediaries Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to demonstrate whether existing local data intermediaries can facilitate community stakeholder access to and utilization of integrated community-level data and increase community stakeholder skill and capacity to use and apply data to address health disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations.

The Russell Sage Foundation Grant: Social, Political, and Economic Inequality
LOI Deadline: July 28, 2021
Application Deadline: November 17, 2021

This award funds innovative investigator-initiated research that will expand our understanding of social, political, and economic inequalities and the mechanisms by which they influence the lives of individuals and families. We welcome projects that explore the relevance of economic, racial, ethnic, age, gender, immigration, residence, or other statuses for the distribution of social, political and economic outcomes within and across these groups.

The Russell Sage Foundation Grant: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
LOI Deadline: July 28, 2021
Application Deadline: November 17, 2021

This award funds innovative investigator-initiated research on the social, economic, and political effects of the changing racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. population, including the transformation of communities and ideas about what it means to be American. RSF is especially interested in research that examines the roles of race, ethnicity, nativity, gender and legal status in outcomes for immigrants, U.S.-born racial and ethnic minorities, and native-born whites.

2021 Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association Research Award
Deadline: July 30, 2021
The SFBTA Research Award aims at fostering the growth of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy by encouraging original research in solution-focused practices, and to support students, faculty or practitioners who wish to study solution-focused practices. The 2021 SFBTA Research Award will provide up to $5,000.00 to support ongoing or proposed projects.

ITHS Pilot Program Awards
LOI Deadline: August 1, 2021
Proposal Deadline: September 27, 2021

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences at UW has three upcoming funding opportunities as part of their Pilot Program Award series: the Early-Stage Product Development (ESPD) award, and the Translational Research Partnership awards: the New Interdisciplinary Academic Partnership (TRP—NIAP) award and the Academic/Community Partnership (TRP—ACP) award. These awards  offer early-career investigators more opportunities to translate research findings into improved patient health.

Research Grants on Reducing Inequality
LOI Deadline: August 4, 2021
The William T. Grant Foundation’s mission is to support research to improve the lives of young people ages 5-25 in the United States. These grants invest in high-quality field-initiated studies on reducing inequality in youth outcomes. Studies that aim to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people are well suited for this award.

LOI Deadline: August 9, 2021
Application Deadline: August 22, 2021

The Developmental Core of the UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH) has issued a request for applications for the Synergistic Pilot AIDS Research Center (SPARC) award. This award aims to support researchers to conduct work that examines mental health and associated conditions in the context of HIV. For more information, email Tasha Murphy at

Short-Term Research Education Program to Enhance Diversity in Health-Related Research
Deadlines: August 9, 2021 (first deadline; can submit on future R25 deadlines through February 23, 2024)
The over-arching goal of this NHLBI R25 program is to support educational activities within the mission areas of the NHLBI that can enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral and clinical research workforce by providing research experiences and related opportunities in the mission areas of the NHLBI to undergraduate and health professional students from diverse backgrounds, including those from nationally underrepresented groups

Providing Research Education Experiences to Enhance Diversity in the Next Generation of Substance Use and Addiction Scientists
Deadlines: August 10, 2021, November 15, 2021
The goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research. This FOA will support Courses for Skills Development (i.e., short courses, boot camps, seminars, advanced courses) and Research Experiences (i.e., mentored hands-on research experiences for students, fellows, and early-stage faculty). Click here for more information.

*Newly Added*
Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship
Deadline: August 15, 2021
The Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison invites applications from junior scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic populations for its 2021–2023 Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship program. IRP anticipates providing five Fellows with $60,000 in flexible funding over a two-year award period beginning in early fall 2021.

NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
Deadline: August 20, 2021
The High-Risk, High-Reward research program at NIH supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact. Preliminary data are not required. the Innovator Award is for exceptionally creative early career scientists proposing innovative, high-impact projects.

Framework to Address Health Disparities through Collaborative Policy Efforts: Coordinating Center 
Deadline: August 23, 2021
The Office of Minority Health at NIH is soliciting applications to establish and operate a Coordinating Center to lead efforts to assess policies that may create or perpetuate health disparities by contributing to structural racism.

Framework to Address Health Disparities through Collaborative Policy Efforts: Demonstration Projects 
Deadline: August 23, 2021
The Office of Minority Health at NIH is soliciting applications for demonstration projects that will develop tools and processes to assess the impact of structural racism on health disparities and implement policies to improve health outcomes

Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Deadline: August 24, 2021
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), with other NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICOs), is soliciting applications on (1) observational research to understand the role of structural racism and discrimination (SRD) in causing and sustaining health disparities, and (2) intervention research that addresses SRD in order to improve minority health or reduce health disparities.

NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award
Deadline: September 1, 2021
The High-Risk, High-Reward research program at NIH supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact. Preliminary data are not required. The Transformative Research Award is for individuals or teams proposing groundbreaking, unconventional research with the potential to create new scientific paradigms.

NIDDK Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP)
Deadline: September 1, 2021
NIDDK’s Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) provides funding to research institutions to provide for a national summer research experience program for high school and undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical research on a national basis, including individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, and individuals with disabilities.

NIH Director’s Early Independence Award
Deadline: September 3, 2021
The High-Risk, High-Reward research program at NIH supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact. Preliminary data are not required. The Early Independence Award is for exceptional junior scientists bypassing postdoctoral training to launch independent research careers.

NIMH Research Education Mentoring Program for HIV/AIDS Researchers
Deadline, September 7, 2021
This FOA will support research education programs for students, post-doctorates, and/or early career faculty that have a thematic concentration in behavioral and social science research priorities (e.g., HIV prevention and care continua; understanding and addressing HIV-related health disparities; dissemination and implementation science research), and/or HIV neuroscience research (e.g., HIV/CNS neuropathogenesis; genetics and therapeutics; HIV/CNS latency and cure strategies).

NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
Deadline: September 10, 2021
The High-Risk, High-Reward research program at NIH supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact. Preliminary data are not required. The Pioneer Award is for scientists with outstanding records of creativity pursuing pioneering approaches to major challenges. .

William T. Grant Foundation Institutional Challenge Grant
Deadline: September 14, 2021
The Institutional Challenge Grant encourages university-based research institutes, schools, and centers to build sustained research-practice partnerships with public agencies or nonprofit organizations in order to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. The Foundation especially encourages proposals from teams with African American, Latinx, Native American, and Asian American members in leadership roles.

*Newly Added*
Engaging and Empowering Vulnerable Families and Communities to Prevent Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose
Concept Note Deadline: September 20, 2021
This grant provides support for projects that aim to improve, expand, and/or
scale evidence-based family-, school-, and/or community-based prevention services for
children and families, particularly for those at highest risk. This RFP targets projects which can develop, adapt, explore, and/or evaluate promising evidence-based models of family- and community-based prevention for OUD and overdose.

*Newly Added*
Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America
Deadline: September 24, 2021
The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD),
funded by the National Institute on Aging, invites interested researchers to submit pilot
proposals that have potential to better understand how US adult health and mortality
outcomes are shaped by local contexts.

Royalty Research Fund
Deadline: September 27, 2021
The Office of Research invites applications to the Fall 2021 round of the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) grant program. The purpose of the RRF is to advance new directions in research, particularly for disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, for faculty who are junior in rank, or in cases where funding may provide opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding.

Short Courses on Interdisciplinary Behavioral and Social Sciences Research on Aging
Deadline: October 4, 2021
The objective of this FOA is to support short-term intensive courses or summer institutes for skills development in the areas of Genomics for Social Scientists (to provide hands-on experiences for researchers working at the intersection of genetics and social science research), Interdisciplinary Social Science Research in Aging (to attract new/junior researchers and increase cross-fertilization across disciplines), and Reproducibility in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (establishing tools, best practices, and training curricula to accelerate reproducibility).

Comprehensive Care for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus from Populations with Health Disparities
Deadline: October 5, 2021 (first R01 deadline; can submit on future NIH deadlines through June 5, 2024)
This award will support innovative multidisciplinary and multi-level research designed to develop and/or test interventions to optimize care of persons with Type 2 diabetes from populations with health/health care disparities concordant with evidence-based guidelines. NIH-designated health disparity populations include racial and ethnic minorities, sexual and gender minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and underserved rural populations.

CFAR Trainee Support Grants
Deadlines: October 15, 2021, and January 15, 2022
CFAR Trainee Support Grants help fund a variety of activities for students, fellows, and junior faculty which are directly relevant to their career development. The purpose of the program is to provide modest support to enhance career development of trainees and junior investigators pursuing research careers in HIV/AIDS and to encourage collaboration with other HIV/AIDS investigators.

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Grant
Deadline: December 1, 2021
The Horowitz Foundation is offering small grant funding ($7,500) to support emerging scholars, promote scholarship with a social policy application, and encourage projects that address contemporary issues in the social sciences.

Addressing Health Disparities among Immigrant Populations through Effective Interventions
Deadline: NIH Standard R01 deadline dates (February 5,  June 5, October 5) through January 2023
This announcement calls for multidisciplinary/multilevel research focusing on the design and implementation of effective interventions that will address immigrant-specific factors to reduce health disparities, particularly among migrant workers, recent and 1st generation immigrants.

Notice of Special Interest: NIH R01 Applications from Individuals from Diverse Backgrounds, Including Under-Represented Minorities
Deadline: Open through May 8, 2023
NIH seeks to promote diversity in all of its research programs and to increase the participation of underrepresented groups. this notice is being issued to highlight interest in receiving research project applications submitted by investigators from diverse backgrounds.

Notice of Special Interest: Navigating Pediatric to Adult Health Care: Lost in Transition
Deadline: Standard NIH R01 deadlines through January 8, 2024
The purpose of this notice is to encourage applications in high-priority research areas related to pediatric health care transition for youth with chronic physical/medical conditions or intellectual/developmental disabilities. Research applications that will advance our understanding of promising practices designed to facilitate successful health care transitions (HCT) from pediatric to adult care settings as well as barriers and facilitators to such transition are encouraged.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evidence for Action: Investigator-Initiated Research to Build a Culture of Health
Deadline: Open
Evidence for Action (E4A), a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), funds research that expands the evidence needed to build a Culture of Health (broadly defined as one in which good health and well-being flourish across geographic, demographic, and social sectors; public and private decision-making is guided by the goal of fostering equitable communities; and everyone has the opportunity to make choices that lead to healthy lifestyles).

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health
Deadline: Open
Pioneering Ideas seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health.

Events and Lectures

National Institute of Nursing Research Director’s Lecture
September 14, 2021, 7:00-8:00am
Dr. Mi-Kyung Song will present “Addressing One of the Most Enduring Challenges in Health Care: End-of-Life Decision Making”, where she will describe her intervention research to develop and test an end-of-life communication intervention targeting patients with chronic illness and their family caregivers, spanning all stages of the NIH Stage Model of behavioral intervention development research.

Data Science in Education Town Hall
October 8, 2021, 7:00am-12:45pm PST
The National Science Foundation invites you to participate in a town hall meeting to stimulate a national conversation on the topic of Data Science in Education.  Each day, there is more accessible data than there was the day before, and a professional skillset is emerging to meet the needs of a dynamically growing industry. This town hall meeting will explore Data Science and its impact across all levels of education. Registration required.

2021 NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival
November 19, 2021 
The Annual NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Festival will be hosted by OBSSR and the NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee. The purpose of the festival is to highlight recently funded behavioral and social sciences research that the NIH supports; bring together behavioral and social scientists within the NIH extramural and intramural communities to network with each other and share scientific ideas; and explore ways to advance behavioral and social sciences research. More details to come in future OFFER newsletters.

Conferences and Workshops

NAMI National Convention
July 27-28, 2021
NAMI is pleased to present NAMICon 2021, our annual national convention, virtually July 27-28, 2021. Anyone interested in and impacted by mental health should attend this event dedicated to uplifting, empowering and informing communities with resources, research, support and programming. As the culmination of events over the past year have demonstrated, more than ever, there is no health without mental health.

22nd National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
July 27-29, 2021
The 22ND National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) offers an exceptional opportunity to connect and learn about nationwide efforts to shift the focus of the child welfare system to primary prevention—creating the conditions for strong and thriving families and communities where children are free from child abuse and neglect.

Family Focused Treatment Association 35th Conference on Treatment Family Care
August 4-5, 2021
Explore strategies and innovations that are being used to deliver effective family focused treatment services in bio, kinship, foster and adoptive homes. The program’s 60 workshops, micro sessions and keynotes will support your professional development in the areas of program development, evaluation, research-to-practice, and more.

Healthy Aging 2021 Symposium
September 8-9, 10:00am-3:30pm PST
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and Trust for America’s Health are excited to co-sponsor the Healthy Aging Symposium on September 8 and 9. The 2-day FREE symposium will highlight the latest science, best practices, and innovative solutions to improve the lives and health of older Americans

Virtual Workshop: Food Insecurity, Neighborhood Food Environment, and Nutrition Health Disparities: State of the Science
September 21-23, 2021
This three-day virtual NIH workshop, sponsored in part by NHLBI, aims to review the state of the science related to food insecurity and the neighborhood food environment, then identify research gaps and opportunities. Participants also will explore innovative research strategies that could inform policies and practices that help prevent diet-related health disparities, as well as promote health equity.

*Newly Added*
National Organization of Forensic Social Work Annual Conference
June 14-16, 2022
The theme of next year’s conference is Social Justice and Unjust Systems: Strategies to Advance Structural Change. Topics will include: understanding clients’ intersectionality in order to provide more inclusive and equitable services; disaggregating data and reporting outcomes with context; and developing theories of structural/systems change to support long term transformation and justice.

American Society on Aging and the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Online Gerontology Courses
Course dates Summer- Fall 2020 Online
The American Society on Aging and the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology are offering four different five-week online gerontology courses. The online learning curriculum provides a flexible and convenient way for you to expand your knowledge of aging issues with in-depth information and insights. Successful participants will earn a certificate of completion from USC, and CE credits are offered from select accreditation providers.

Boston University School of Social Work’s Center for Aging & Disability Research & Education (CADER)
Prepare for the challenges of a rapidly changing society with CADER state-of-the-art online training programs. All CADER courses cover content areas related to legal and ethical considerations, cultural competence, person-centered approaches, health literacy, and strategies for communicating effectively in difficult situations. These online courses are available separately or as part of a certificate program offered from Boston University, are self-paced, and can be taken anytime, and provide continuing education credits.

Arizona Rural Women’s Health Network: Sexual Violence Training for Community Health Workers
Ongoing-online (CHEHs)
The Arizona Rural Women’s Health Network offers a 4 hour course for community health workers that provides an introduction to basic knowledge and skills useful in assisting and responding to victims of sexual violence. The online course includes self-paced modules, a workbook, and a simulated role-play scenario.  Training is offered at no cost.

Postdoctoral Fellowships and Training Opportunities

UW Certificate in Gerontology
Deadline: September 15, 2021
People who work with older adults often get great satisfaction from making a positive difference in their lives. In this three-course certificate program, you’ll examine the specific challenges and opportunities involved in supporting older adults and their family members.

Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The University of Connecticut School of Social Work and the Connecticut DMHAS Research Division are seeking candidates for a Postdoctoral Associate to work on multiple federally and state funded projects largely focused on behavioral health program evaluations. The post-doc will engage in a number of projects, including SAMHSA funded evaluations of interventions designed to improve the delivery of services for people with mental health and/or substance use disorders

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Promoting Equity in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Steve Hicks School of Social Work and the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin are recruiting two postdoctoral fellows. The goal of the postdoctoral training program is to increase diversity in behavioral, population, and implementation science research to promote health equity in cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. Individuals underrepresented in health-related sciences (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Hawaiian Natives, natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands, individuals with physical or mental disabilities, first generation college graduates, sexual gender minorities) are eligible to apply.

Post-Doctoral Position at Northwestern University
Deadline: Rolling
The Contexts of Adolescent Stress and Thriving (C.O.A.S.T.) Lab, led by Dr. Emma Adam, is searching for a post-doctoral scholar to collaborate on the processing, analyzing and writing up data from several randomized control trial intervention studies designed to promote adolescent wellbeing and to reduce racial disparities in adolescent health and achievement. Some assistance with grant writing, with ongoing data collection and helping to oversee lab personnel (staff, graduate students, undergraduate RAs) will also be required.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Work and Gerontology
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Center for Interventions to Enhance Community Health (CiTECH), in conjunction with the School of Social Work and the Department of Psychiatry, at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce a postdoctoral fellowship in Social Work and Gerontology commencing in the Fall of 2021. This two-year postdoctoral training program provides mentorship and support for fellows to develop their research agendas on mental health and/or substance misuse interventions for older adults in community-based settings.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Evidence-Based Practices for Immigrant Youth Child and Adolescent Services Division of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Department of Psychiatry University of California, San Francisco
Deadline: Rolling applications
This postdoctoral fellowship is a placement in a hospital-based outpatient community mental health clinic. The position focuses on development, implementation, and evaluation of outpatient specialty mental health and a school-based prevention program targeting immigrant youth and families. Drawing from evidence-based, family-centered, culturally-attuned, and trauma-informed approaches, the fellow will engage in clinical service delivery and scholarship in an outpatient clinic based program, as well as school-based settings.

Call for Papers and Abstracts

Special Issue in the Journal of Public Mental Health: Suicide and Self-Harm
Abstract Deadline: July 30, 2021
The purpose of the special issue is to present emerging directions in research on suicide and self-harm. A key aim is to present articles that draw on innovative methods (including online ethnography, narrative theory, sociological autopsy, digital resources) and/or address emerging global challenges (the impact of COVID-19, rising suicide rates within some national contexts, social media).

Aging Societies: Extended Working Lives and Discrimination Against Older workers
Deadline: August 23, 2021
Aging & Social Change: Eleventh Interdisciplinary Conference is a forum for discussion of challenges and opportunities for a rapidly growing segment of the population worldwide. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes or special focus

Special Issue in Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care: Racism and its Challenges in Palliative Care Work
Deadline: September 1, 2021
Palliative social workers have long attended to and recognized the importance of examining race as a factor influencing the quality of end-of-life care outcomes. This special issue of the Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care seeks to feature works that begin to help us gain a clearer understanding of the problems caused by systemic racism and how to intervene toward solutions.

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal Special Issue: Foster Parenting and Child Outcomes
Deadline: October 1, 2021
This special issue will be devoted to understanding caregiving/foster parenting and child outcomes. Papers should be focused on research that addresses or supports the mental, physical, or relational health outcomes of children or adolescents in kinship/relative or non-relative foster care by examining various aspects of caregiving/foster parenting. Authors are asked to include a strengths-focused and anti-racist/anti-oppressive lens, as appropriate, to the content of the proposed manuscript.

Behavioral Sciences Special Issue “Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed Care”
Deadline: November 21, 2021
Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) is widely accepted as a standard for assessment and intervention that not only acknowledges but also respects and integrates the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of patients and families.  This Special Issue is interested in how cultural humility and sensitivity can be incorporated into elements and principles of TIC and what lessons we have learned to create culturally responsive trauma-informed practice and policy in the current care systems.

Healthcare Special Issue “Youth Mental Health and Family Support”
Deadline: January 31, 2022
This Special Issue focuses on innovation in community-based care for young people aged 6–29, and on identifying supportive approaches that foster their success in school, higher education, employment, and social relationships. Of particular interest are services focused on youth aged 14–29 who need support to successfully transition to adulthood.

*Newly Added*
National Organization of Forensic Social Work 2022 Conference Call for Abstracts
Deadline: February 15, 2022
NOFSC is seeking abstracts that highlight programs, policies and activities that present solutions (proven or in development) to current challenges faced by forensic social workers in their practice. Abstracts will be presented at the 2022 conference, which focused on social justice and unjust systems.

Global Social Welfare: Research, Policy Practice Special Call for COVID Research
Deadline: Ongoing
Global Social Welfare is inviting authors to contribute research articles sharing experiences and results (both positive and negative) with our readers who can use this information to inform the development and implementation of future social work, social policy and public health programs.

The database for BIPOC-Authored Social Work Papers
Deadline: Ongoing
The BIPOC-Authored Papers for Social Work database was created in an effort to amplify BIPOC voices and perspectives, and to increase the representation of BIPOC authors across social work curriculum. As faculty engage in critical analysis of their syllabi and curricula, the availability of BIPOC-authored materials is an essential element of dismantling the white supremacy embedded in social work and transforming social work education and practice. As a crowd-sourced database, this collaborative endeavor has the potential to elevate academic excellence and enhance a diverse, inclusive, values-based learning environment.

Call for Papers Related to COVID-19
Deadline: Rolling Submission
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing health disparities experienced by traditionally oppressed groups including older adults, low-wage workers and those living in poverty, and people with underlying health conditions. Public policies and practices that intentionally or unintentionally favor positive outcomes for certain groups over others violate human rights and must be rectified. As a result, rather than a one-time special issue of the journal, we invite authors to contribute relevant articles on a rolling basis for peer review.

Research Resources

ITHS Career Development Series
The ITHS Career Development Series consist of monthly lectures and workshops designed to provide junior faculty and investigators with tools, a forum for discussion, and learning opportunities to help advance their careers. Below you will find all the seminars we have recorded, so you can tap into this knowledge when ever you need to! Topics include: How to write Specific Aims, study recruitment strategies, grant writing skills, and responding to reviewer comments.

Video Guide: Overview of Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, especially the Individual Fellowships (F awards) and Institutional Training Grants (T awards)
In this video, NIH’s Dennis Twombly and Lisa Moeller will take you through an overview of these two types of awards, providing some tips along the way.

All About Grants Podcasts
The Office of Extramural Research (OER) at NIH hosts a series of podcasts relating to NIH grants that is designed for investigators, fellows, students, and research administrators. Episodes cover topics such as grant preparation, developing successful grant applications, advice for new and early career scientists, submitting your application, the peer-review process, and post-award activities and requirements. The latest episode focuses on the newly required Diversity Plans for conference applications. Episodes are available as mp3s for download, and via iTunes. To access mp3s and transcripts of each podcast, click here.

Process for submitting a grant application through SSW
OFFER has created a new proposal timeline, a step by step guide outlining all the steps involved from starting through completing the research grant application process at SSW. This form, along with a sample proposal checklist and other useful information can be accessed through MySSW/ProposalDevelopment/Getting Started.

We encourage our readers to submit postings to be included to help us stay relevant to the broad range of social work research interests. Please email Tasha Murphy at to circulate information on funding opportunities, publications, and events.


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