Leading Lights Speaker Series: Vern Harner

UW Social Work Innovators on Creating Systemic Change

Please join us for the fifth in our eight-part lecture series with a presentation by Vern Harner, doctoral candidate and UW Excellence in Teaching Award recipient for innovations in accessibility-centered education.

The Leading Lights Speaker Series features some of the School’s most noted scholars and researchers who are in the forefront of driving systemic social change. Future speakers include Tessa Evans-Campbell, a nationally recognized scholar on Indigenous health, and Susan Kemp, who co-leads the Grand Challenge for Social Work on social responses to climate change. Learn more.

Livestream Lecture | Thursday, October 28 at 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. PST


Critical Social Work & the Duty to Stay Present 

Vern Harner
As a community-embedded activist, organizer, and scholar, Vern Harner’s work aims to amplify ongoing efforts within trans and other marginalized communities. Employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, Vern’s current work focuses on intracommunity support, engagement with social services, and wellbeing. In their presentation they will reflect on their role as a nonbinary German-American scholar and share a call to action for social workers to persist in the disruption of the status quo in pursuit of shared liberation for multiply marginalized communities.

View the fourth Leading Lights presentation by Dr. Gino Aisenberg on YouTube


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