How to Apply for Fellowships Panels- 10/27, 11/02 & 11/17

Hosted by the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards and the Graduate School Office of Fellowships & Awards, the panels in this series aim to improve access to fellowships and scholarships by connecting students with other students who have received fellowships and to faculty and staff who have served on selection committees.

How to Apply for Fellowships: A Graduate Student Panel

10/27/2021, 5–6 p.m. 

How do you decide which fellowships to apply for? How do you find the time to apply for funding while also juggling life responsibilities? How do you make your application competitive? Hear from graduate students who successfully applied for funding. The panelists are:


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Meet the Selection Committee: A Panel of Reviewers for National and UW Fellowships

11/02/2021, 4:30–5:30 p.m.

This panel will feature faculty and staff who frequently serve on selection committees for various national and UW scholarships or fellowships. Join us to learn how selection committee members approach the process, what they’re hoping to learn from application materials, and more. The panelists are:


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Opening the Door to Letters of Recommendation: Advice from Students 

11/17/2021, 5–6 p.m.

Who do I ask for letters of recommendation? How do I ask them? A panel of students who have successfully worked with many recommenders share their perspectives on how to approach building your team of supporters and how you can support your recommenders in writing strongly for you. The panelists are:


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