EJ Lecture: How to Support Clients With Eco-grief and Climate Anxiety with Dr. Atkinson – 11/17

Environmental Justice Lecture Series:

How To Support Clients With Eco-grief and Climate Anxiety 

with Dr. Jennifer Atkinson 

November 17th from 7:00-8:30 pm via zoom

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Dr. Atkinson will give a presentation and lead a discussion on the key mental health impacts of climate change and how we support people in moving beyond the hope-despair binary. Learn more about the most impacted groups as well as the intersections between climate emotions and environmental justice. Participate in the discussion around how to apply this information across all domains of the social work field.

This free event is open to all and 1.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) is available

Questions contact Arden Hellmann at

Thank you to the following collaborators and supporters for making this event possible: Social Workers for Environmental Justice, UW School of Social Work, and Grand Challenges of Social Work


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