HSERV 490/590: Homeless in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in the Emerald City – WIN23 Course

“Homeless in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in the Emerald City” is a one or three credit optional class winter 2023.

There are some plans for a very interesting project for the three-credit students, building on a Huskies for Housing small grant we obtained last year. Olivia Butkowski is heading up the project, as it’s part of her capstone for the MPH degree.

The Friday morning sessions will welcome guest speakers from a variety of perspectives on homelessness (causes/consequences, politics, solutions, covid lessons, history, indigenous experience, and more). Students who signed up for the one-credit version will listen to those sessions and post weekly reflections. Simple.

Three-credit students will work together to plan an interactive exhibit to build empathy towards homelessness, inspired in part by a Los Angeles Poverty Department (LAPD, get it?) installation, and the Doctors without Borders “Forced from Home” exhibit on refugees. We have some funds for building materials, and are putting together an advisory group of folks with lived experience. Bring your creative ideas! We’ve reserved Wednesday morning time/space for the three-credit students to meet (10 am to 11:20).

I hope you’ll join us for one or the other of these classes. We’ll meet live in the new HSEB building on Pacific St., but I always open Zoom for a hybrid option. Three credit students should plan on joining in person, though.


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