Paid Policy Internships for Students – Various Deadlines

Applications for the 2023 Internship Programs at the National Academy of Social Insurance are open. We invite graduate students, recent graduates, and qualified upper-division undergraduate students to apply for paid summer internships in public policy. Think about the talented young people you know—students, mentees, interns, and relatives—and encourage them to apply for an exciting summer working with an organization in Washington, DC.

Students interested in U.S. social insurance and related issues can consider one of the Academy’s nationally competitive internship programs:

Find detailed program descriptions and candidate requirements in the Student Internship section of our website. Whether interns work at organizations in-person, according to the organization’s protocols, or virtually will be determined by official public health guidelines as they are issued in the spring of 2023. Final arrangements will be discussed with each student selected for the program.

Application deadlines:

Rashi Fein Internship in Health Policy: Friday, January 13, 2023

All other internships: Friday, January 27, 2023

Interested students can apply online.

For more information, please contact Ariella Jailal, Program Coordinator, at


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