Funding Opportunities – Various Deadlines

Fellowship opportunities:

For the 2023-24 academic year, a one-quarter fellowship will be awarded to a grad/prof student.  (See UWRA Pat Dougherty Fellowship in Aging for details.)  Deadline Feb 15th, only to DAY students (EDP not eligible).

Available for Spring Quarter 2023 is a $4000 need-based scholarship for educational expenses for undergrads as well as grad/prof students who have experience in working with elders and wish to pursue research and/or careers to serve older adults.  UWRA Scholarship in Aging  Deadline Feb 15th

The Hooyman Intergenerational Fellowship is a merit-based scholarship for students committed to working with older adults and their families. Award amounts range from $1000 to $2000. More Info here: Hooyman Fellowship2023. Deadline May 5th



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