Seattle Participatory Budget Paid Volunteer Opportunities

Seattle’s PB process will work with community members to decide how to invest $27.2 million back into BIPOC communities. The funding for this PB program came from a $100 million fund earmarked by then Mayor Jenny Durkan after community groups demanded investments into Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities during the protests for Black lives in the summer of 2020. This is a great opportunity for you and your community to get involved, practice advocacy and leadership, and reinvest in our communities.

For more information on what participatory budgeting is, the links below have more information:

Opportunities are linked below. Please share this with the parents, youth, young adults, and community members in your Seattle networks to ensure they know about this process.

Participatory Budgeting Coordinator

Steering Committee: 

  • The steering committee will inform design decisions for the Participatory Budgeting (PB) process, help appoint workgroup members and serve as a core accountability partner to PB stakeholders to ensure it meets the needs of Seattle residents impacted by systemic lack of investment in the City’s historically underserved communities.
  • Click here to learn more about the criteria for roles on this committee, the selection process, and how to express interest.


Group members will bring their specialized skills to the following workgroups:

  • Accountability and Restorative & Proactive Safety Working Group
  • Lived Experience & Outreach Workgroup
  • Budget Delegate & Facilitation Workgroup
  • Evaluation & Data
  • If you would like to learn more about the workgroups and express interest, you can click here.

Youth Opportunities:

Dreams for Democracy: PB2 Idea Building Workshops

  • where young people will get to decide how to spend $25,000 of the organization’s budget
  • Wednesday, Feb 22nd at 3:00 pm Pacific.
  • RSVP here or suggest an idea if they can’t make it

Virtual Youth Summit


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