Safe Campus resources for students

Students, Faculty and Staff,

What would you do if you thought a friend or colleague was involved in an abusive relationship? What if someone in your workplace or classroom regularly got his way using belligerence and intimidation? Or what if a co-worker or fellow student became repeatedly frustrated, withdraw, or expressed desperation?

Navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when you become concerned about someone’s well-being or perhaps your own safety. We fear saying something might make others feel uncomfortable or make them angry, and reporting a problem might get them, or us, in trouble. No one gets in trouble for calling and asking; in fact, many people get connected to resources they need that help us all maintain a safe personal, work, and learning environment.

If you find yourself wondering if you should do something, it is worth a call to SafeCampus. Calls are answered by staff specially trained to receive such reports and to provide referrals to UW services.

The Safe Campus telephone numbers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Seattle: 206-685-SAFE
  • Bothell: 425-325-SAFE
  • Tacoma: 253-692-SAFE

You can learn more about Safe Campus online: (Seattle), (Bothell) and campus (Tacoma)



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