Winter Course Offering – Mortality Analysis for Global Health (GH 590A)

Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of demographic analysis on the subject of mortality.  Mortality indictors such as child mortality rate, adult mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and life expectancy are routinely being used in public health and often used as key benchmark in evaluating public health programs. Thus, it is essential for public health practitioners to understand how these mortality indictors are constructed and how to properly utilize them.  This course provides a thorough overview of conceptual, methodological and empirical basis for quantifying health among individuals and populations. Students of this course will learn the strength and limitation in applying the mortality analysis methods introduced in this course especially in developing countries with limited empirical data.

Course Logistics

Professor:           Haidong Wang

Credits:                3

SLN:                       20596

Days:                     Tuesday, Thursday

Times:                   3:00 – 4:20PM

Location:              HST T635



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