SAC Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2012

SAC meeting May 11, 2012

Facilitator: Gary

Minutes: Shelby

PhD Report: no Representative

EDP Updates:    Dane-

–          practicum positions for people out of the area; issues with finding practicum near home, but not allowed (too much work to find positions)

–          STAR sights having practicum sights out of the area selection

–          Midquarter evaluations: not a regular occurrence, but great option- wants more

–          Cornell West to be commencement speaker next year?!

  • Lin suggests for Marie to start early to nominate him

–          Electives: what specific electives for EDP?  Summer electives- more options for EDP sponsored electives

  • Emiko: 593 Adults with Chemical dependency, Life Limiting Illness

–          EDP representation for practicum meetings

  • First Wednesday of the month at 4:30- Marie can go- wants Day students to attend as well
  • Still waiting on Ali’s feedback- supposed to talk to James, but not too sure (Ali not present to divulge details) Emiko- still needs to have an info session, only met with faculty so far (James)

Advanced Standing: Kevin

–          Cohort cohesion social May 10- around 20 people including faculty showed up: info session of advanced standing students, issues of AS students, ideas/ solutions :

  • AS meet with program committee before next summer session
    • More IGD and social justice included in the summer seminar; although AS students may know about social justice, but does not know the same language- good opportunity to get AS students on the same page
  • Orientation for advanced students as a whole- break up into concentrations for an hour or so
  • During class introductions- eradicating “what year are you?”
    • “Otherization” also happens when EDP students join the mix
  • More information in registration packet ON BOTH SIDES; providing up front information for both cohorts
  • Panel or group of 2nd year students (more informal) to talk about first year experience
  • Educating about structures and sources about local community organizations/ agencies
    • Including documentation about what specific social workers do (ie- hospital social worker)
  • Emiko: ratio will be different next year between AS and Day students (117:44)
  • Rachel: Understanding what AS even means- it’s not a “higher” level/ better skills than Day students

2nd Year Day: Rachel

  • Ready to graduate!
  • Conversations about “career support” not being present- READ EMAILS!
  • What is another way to make career support visible?
  • Committee for graduation
  • Is there an end of year celebration?  Funds?
  • Making a film (Rachel and Kevin) and a lot of students want to be a part of-
    • want to honor faculty members that have been inspirational for cohort

1st Year Day: Laura

  • New student groups: create continuity for next year
  • Global Alliance- Int’l connection for int’l students as well as a forum for students interested in abroad group perhaps international students feel disconnected, lack of support from faculty and cohort
  • Women’s Group
  • Jewish SW Student group
  • Using orientation as a better forum to get information out there for first year’s
    • 30 min/ 1 hr sessions to break up and discuss student groups
      • Rachel brought up that people were not willing to participate/ show up to set up a “fair” (perhaps Fall quarter?)
  • Lin: wants a paragraph and description of student groups to put on the website
    • Not always updated; education about groups could be useful

BASW Update: Tanya

  • Ice cream went well
  • Disability committee success!  (GREAT JOB!)
  • Going to the farm (Lettuce link)
  • Active in senior sendoff right now (junior’s do something good for seniors- replete with crepe paper and cake
  • Acceptance to Columbia!

Program Committee Updates: Shelby

  • Electives getting finalized for next year
  • Brought up  AS/ Day student social, but Kevin and Shelby were in process of planning mixer
  • Marie: question- elective for School Social Work class (EDP students want it and are now excited to get a certification)
  • Lin points out: but practicum must be at school to get certified
  • Practicum Advisory Update: Marie- EDP going to start going to meetings
  • Outstanding PI celebration- May 16th, 3-5pm

Communications Subcommittee:  Laura

–          Talked about ways to get SAC more visible next year; make students understand WHY SAC exists:

  • Bulletin boards:
    • Student Group Board: portion of a bulletin board specific to student groups!
  • adding to website and blog
  • catalyst (discussion boards and surveys)
  • not many people really look at emails, so not so many “sswall” emails
  • Communicate with larger UW campus
  • Being more clear for new SAC members for next year:
    • Solicit direct feedback, twice quarterly to stay consistent, using all cohort groups to make sure all classrooms are visited (because a lot of SAC members are in the same classes)
    • Setting expectations for SAC to elicit responses to ssw
    • Welcome packet/ info sheet for new SAC members
      • Include list of accomplishments/ what to expect
      • Quarterly updates for every meeting times in SAC member emails
      • Establishing and managing student groups for SSW- “Council of Student Organizations” to establish what is or is not still active (SAC responsibility)
        • Quarterly/ twice a year networking event for all student organizations to learn what everyone else is doing; space to network between groups

Bylaws Subcommittee Report: Mahogany

–          Discussed specifically laying out when people come to SAC and expectations

  • How many meetings you are allowed to miss
  • Restricting people joining committees
    • Evening it out- requiring SAC to be part of committees
    • Writing out all committees with brief description of each committee
      • Have committees write up 2-3 sentences of each committee (perhaps part of welcome packet)
      • Have constant/ Standard committees part of bylaws
  • Making facilitating/ Minutes mandatory for SAC members
    • Set meeting dates to set expectations
  • GPSS representation
    • We can influence/ learn about funding if we are on it
    • We also have no idea HOW it can affect us because we have never had representation
    • Anyone in the program- doesn’t have to be a SAC member
    • Can have proxy, but (we think) it has to be the same named person
    • Meetings: 1st Wednesdays at 5:30 (every 4 weeks)
    • Lin: Put it as a student group?  Then we can self-nominate SSW students
    • May 30th: RACHEL IS OUR REP!  Bagley Hall, Room 134 (near fountain)

Social Subcommittee:

–          June 1st– perhaps at Shultzy’s: must call before hand

  • Laura and Derrick are planning the social! (Shelby will be delegated to, not planningJ


–          Furniture on roof?

  • Wrought iron/ locking up furniture to roof

Budget Subcommittee: Lin

  • Only small requests, however, VERY short timelines!
  • SWIYA making tamales for fundraiser
  • Global Alliance, AS/ Day student
  • Lin: funding for “special occasions”; don’t want students to plan events around meal times- should benefit SSW as a whole
  • Should we have specifics/ timelines for funding?

Lin Updates:

–          Orientation!  (Laura and Shelby VERY eager- Rachel will be our mentor)

  • AS- July 18th
  • Continuing students Sept 20, 21st
    • What content over 2 days;

–          Mentor program mentoring program?

  • Matches have been a challenge
    • Some work, not enough 2nd years interested
    • Intentional events between Advanced and 1st year students
    • Perhaps buddy system between first year/ advanced students over rather than 1st/ 2nd year
    • More organic matches are better or perhaps 1 2nd year has 3-4 students
      • Specificity of personal information (#of children, etc.) uncomfortable and specificity of requests
      • Marie: suggests people’s information on website with blurb (ie. Students with children, etc.)
      • Gary: would affect overall school cohesion with mentors
      • Laura: branching international students in the mix of all students (rather than insular international student groups)
      • Group mentorship better than individual mentorship
        • Especially with int’l students: Marie- is this systemic or one on one change we as SAC can do

–              SAC office?

Can we use it for more confidential work or for the writing tutor?- all SAC says no problem!

  • Sign for office hours?
  • Comment/ feedback box for students

New Agenda Items: Emiko

–          Budget input from faculty council; comparable structure for student council and staff council (favor from everyone)

  • SAC going to larger cohort to talk to students
    • Can also go talk about SAC input on budget

–          GPSS- Students must give more input on budgeting

Action Steps:

–          Rachel- attending GPSS meeting

–          Rachel- mentor for orientation

–          Laura and Derrick- restaurants for end of year party

–          Lin- gathering info for orientation, website testing, MSW connects

–          Laura, Glenn, Sylas, Shelby- MSW connects and orientation

First SAC meeting: Mahogany facilitator, Shelby minutes


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