Spring Quarter Scholarship Opportunity – Deadline 2/8

TO ALL MSW Extended Degree Students

Below is the information to apply for the tuition fellowship, please complete the following:

Address the tuition fellowships application letter to the Chair of the Scholarship Committee. The application letter (no longer than two pages) should address:

• Working with disadvantaged populations
• Coming from a disadvantaged background
• Involvement with public social service programs
• Evidence of achievements in the face of adversity
• A family history of limited access to education
• Other information that supports your potential and unique profile for study in social work.

Write a clear, concise statement (one paragraph maximum) of your professional goals, including your preferred area of practice and the population(s) or field of practice you hope to specialize in.

You should submit your fellowship application, by February 8, 2013. Please submit your letter to or to the School of Social Work Admissions Office addressed to Chair, School of Social Work Scholarship Committee.


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