SSW Students Sponsoring ReMovement: Cafe Night, dedicated to Deported Cambodian Returnees – 5/17

We invite you, SSW community and friends, to come and join us live entertainment, good food and drinks, awesome goods in our silent auction, or dialogue about the issues of refugees/immigrants deportation at

Cafe Solstice in U-District on Friday, May 17th from 6-9:30pm.
4116 University Way NE Seattle, Washington 98105

If you have further questions about this event, please feel free to reach out to us or email

Since 2002, many Cambodian Americans including from our local area have been deported due to their non-U.S. citizenship status and past criminal charges;  a total 389 Cambodians in fact have been deported and another 1,500 to 2,000 await removal. Deportation is forced exile to their “home” country where many do not speak the language and some have never lived.

The only program in Cambodia that helps these individuals is RISC. This program offers help with necessary documentation, finding employment and housing, and integrating into Cambodian society. All services are provided at no cost and are essential in aiding returnees adjusting to their new life in Cambodia. Unfortunately, donors are not interested to help deported Cambodians.


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