Submit an Abstract – 11th annual Western Regional International Health Conference at UW! Deadline 12/15

Submit an Abstract for the 11th annual Western Regional International Health Conference (WRIHC)

April 4-6, 2014 in the HUB at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Call for Abstracts: Posters and Presentations

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2013 (we will notify submitters of their status by February 1, 2014).

Criteria for Submission: Students, faculty, and professionals of all disciplines are invited to submit abstracts for posters and/or oral presentations on the conference theme of “Uncensored: Gender, Sexuality, & Social Movements in Global Health.”

The intent of this conference is to extend and amplify the dialogue surrounding gender, sexuality, and social movements in global health.  By questioning and conversing, analyzing and disseminating ideas, and searching for what can be accepted within the inconsistencies, we can break down stigmas and stereotypes, and gain greater insight and understanding of these themes.  And though there are significant challenges and problems to be addressed, there is also much to be celebrated: pleasure, creativity, empowerment, and rich cultural diversities.

We will be accepting approximately 30 posters through a competitive process and a very limited number of oral presentations.  We are looking for presentations that speak to the following conference foci:

Voices & Visibility: Power, Media, & The Arts in Global Health
“If you want to tell the untold stories, if you want to give voice to the voiceless, you’ve got to find a language.” –Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie.
This track will emphasize the importance of bearing witness and giving a voice to the voiceless, while addressing the complexities of power and privilege. It aims to explore the marginalized voices of people of all genders, the LGBTQ community, and social activists. By extending beyond the biomedical framework of global health, perhaps we can find a more equitable discourse of visions, aspirations, and change.

Perceptions Unspoken: Language, Culture, Rhetoric, & Religion
The Perceptions Unspoken Track highlights a variety of topics within regional cultural practices, identity and rhetoric surrounding sexuality, and personal perspectives within a larger community. Perceptions Unspoken focuses on topics that are often overlooked, but which have a large humanistic component. This track emphasizes the individual and intimate narratives and how individual stories impact the larger societal dialogue.

Seeking Justice for Vulnerable Populations
This track will highlight the interplay between power and gender within and around institutional frameworks. By attending these panel discussions, you will hear from experts with a variety of perspectives speaking about some crucial topics related to human rights, reproductive health, gender violence, and equal representation in conducting clinical trials.

Celebrating Gender & Sexuality
So often gender and sexuality and problematized and medicalized in global health, without acknowledging the joys, creativity, and diversities of gender and sexual expression in different cultures throughout the world. This track will explore these themes and look at what sexual health can mean–not just as the absence of disease, but as a vital component of overall well-being.

The People United: Advocacy, Activism, & Social Movements in Global Health
>From street protests to strikes, from community organizing to online campaigning, grassroots social movements have played a major role in shaping global health. In this track, we will focus on advocacy and activism, and discuss alternative viewpoints that challenge mainstream perceptions of global health and health care. Topics include political resistance, indigenous peoples movements, economic justice, and feminist perspectives on global health, among others.

The Modernization of Sexual Health: The Impact of Technological and Clinical Advancements on the Developing World
This track will explore the impact of technology and clinical services on gender and sexual health. Breakout sessions will address the role of globalization and social media in dating, sexuality, and identity development. Panelists will present innovative perspectives, ranging from new scientific technologies to emerging social movements.

Criteria for selection: The abstract committee will review all submissions by the following criteria: originality; organization; quality and clarity; methods and materials used; and relevance of the project to the conference foci.

Deadline: Late submissions will not be accepted.  If you have any questions regarding an abstract submission, please contact Mariel Boyarsky at the Global Health Resource Center (GHRC) at

Guidelines: All abstracts must be submitted in English.  Total word count, excluding author names, affiliations and titles, must be under 250 words.  Submissions with word counts far exceeding 250 will not be considered by the review committee.  Handwritten abstracts will not be reviewed.


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