Spring Course: Global Perspectives in Reproductive Health

Global Perspectives in Reproductive Health (G H 590A, sln 14307)

This course is designed for a broad range of students from all schools and departments who have an interest in global reproductive health.


This landscape course is designed to give students an overview of global reproductive health and encourage interdisciplinary learning. It will focus on family planning and population policy, including male and female contraception, abortion policies, human rights, HIV/STIs, access to services, and cost-effectiveness of contraception. It will emphasize current issues, challenges, and strategies to improve reproductive health, with a focus on resource-limited settings. 

Instructors: Dr. Alison Drake, Dr. Sarah Prager, and Dr. Jennifer Unger

Credits: 3 credits (credit/no credit grading)

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00pm-3:30pm

Location: Health Sciences Building – Room K069

This course is sponsored by the University of Washington Global Center for Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (Global WACh).


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