SAC Minutes – 2013 April 12th

SAC Meeting 04/12/2013

Facilitator: Mikaela Harf

Minutes: Kris Butler and Gary Hothi

1.       Introductions and Attendance

2.       Consent agenda

A.      Lots of people absent. Unable to make quorum

B.      Gina to create catalyst survey to vote on action items when we don’t have quorum.

3.       Updates and announcements

A.      Results of action to serve only non-alcoholic drinks at SAC-sponsored events passed.

B.      Lin created a canvas site for all members to join.

a.       Plan to have a webpage and public access to approved minutes.

C.      New chairs arrived to the School.

4.       Business Items

A.      Norms from last meeting. Cannot vote due to lack of quorum.

a.       Speaker’s list

b.      Giving space to voice concerns

c.       Time limits to ensure solution-focused responses

d.      Revise #7. Motion to amend norms is tabled.

e.      Paloma volunteered to add more detail to written norms.

B.      SAC facilitation- how to schedule and manage

a.       Tabled for voting

b.      Suggested facilitator, co-facilitator, and 2 note-takers per meeting.

c.       Notes- most important is to include major decisions.

d.      Micaela will work with Michael to make note-taking template.

C.      SAC Funding

a.       Can’t vote on it due to lack of quorum

b.      Create conference funding proposal on Canvas

1.       Funded items

2.       Eligibility and requirements

3.       Timeline

D.      Bowling Spring Social

a.       Post committee membership to Canvas

b.      Will gather an ad hoc committee by email invitation

E.       Enrollment Projection

a.       Emiko’s presentation. No action.

b.      Impact on students’ learning experience.


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