Younger Women’s Task Force at the UW – Call for members

YWTF is a movement by and for younger women (age 40 and younger) working towards social justice. Together we form a diverse and inclusive group of activists, organizers, allies, and professionals that is both local and nationwide. But we’re also a community founded on the belief that we can work within and beyond the women’s movement to change the things we care about.


Here is the link to our website and Twitter page:

Welcome to the 2014-15 school year! I am a member of the Younger Women’s Task Force and we are doing something amazing here right here at the UW – Creating the first chapter on the West Coast. Please read below to find out about what do! Shoot me an email if you are interested and want to get involved!

What exactly do we care about? Here’s a list of our demands.

·         Leaders who look and think like us

·         Access to health care for women

·         Fair pay for women

·         Work-life balance

·         Equal access to education

·         Reproductive rights

·         An end to human trafficking

·         An end to violence against women


There’s great benefits to joining and they include discounts on GRE prep courses, feminist publications, prescription discounts, access to socially conscious documentaries and learning about grants and scholarships for undergraduates, graduates and mid-career advancement.


What would a Young Women’s Task Force mean to YOU? How would this Task Force benefit you? Bring your knowledge, talent and experiences to the table. Come to our first meeting that we are currently planning for late October early November.


Join US!!!  Questions? Email Tiffany at


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