ACAvengers Tax Credits and Penalties Workshop – 4/22 at 6pm

The ACAvengers are back! Have you ever heard about “tax penalties” for those without health insurance, and wondered how they work? Or what about those nice-sounding “tax credits”?? We’ve got the perfect event for you!

ACA Tax Credits and Penalties Workshop

Wednesday, April 22nd from 6-7pm

Health Sciences Building Room TBA

Speaker: Ian Nelson, VITA Program Consultant

This event is for you if you’d like to learn more about the ACA’s tax credits and penalties, from a basic introduction to a more in-depth discussion so that you are comfortable discussing them with peers and potential patients/clients. If you haven’t attended our previous events and have no idea what we mean by the “Affordable Care Act”, you might find it helpful to watch this super-short video first just to get a basic overview.

ALL STUDENTS WELCOME and there will be food! 🙂


If you have any questions about the event, or specific ACA-related questions you’d like the panel to address, please direct them to Stephanie at

We will also be talking about more fun opportunities to volunteer with us, including a great collaboration with the upcoming UW Sextravaganza event.


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