CSSS Statistical Consulting Services

The Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences offers year-round statistical consulting services to current UW faculty, staff, and students in affiliated departments. This quarter, we are excited to offer our services at two locations: Savery 242 and in the Data Studio, C610A at the Physics/Astronomy tower.

Available services include:

  • Assistance with study planning and design
  • Review of the analysis section of proposals and reports
  • Assistance with the choice and application of statistical methods

To set up an appointment, please e-mail a description of your research question to:

During spring quarter 2015, appointments are available at the following times:

– Monday 1:00pm – 3:00pm. Location: Savery 242
– Wednesday 10:00am – 12:00pm. New Location: Data Studio C610A
– Thursday 3:00pm – 5:00pm. Location: Savery 242

For more information, please visit


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