Hourly Care Provider for 10 year old in Seattle needed

We have a job opportunity ideal for a student interested in kids & disability. The job is for both this summer and during the 2015-2016 school year.

The job is to become an “Individual Provider” for our 10-year-old, a creative, fun boy with a disability. The Individual Provider is trained and compensated by the Developmental Disabilities Administration. It’s essentially a paid, ongoing caregiver at our home in View Ridge, near Magnuson Park. You would fill out intake forms, get a background check, complete DDA-sponsored, paid training, and be paid by DDA. Rate is $11.06 an hour.

Summer dates we’d need you: June 22 – July 31, 2015 from 12:30-5:00 (excluding July 2-7). We’ll discuss the fall/winter/spring schedule as it gets closer. For more information, please contact Blair Maurer, UW HR Marketing, Communications & Engagement, at 206-963-5514 or


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