Yenching Academy of Peking University – Deadline 12/21

Interested in exploring China and its role in the world through a Master’s program at Peking University? Join John Holden, Associate Dean at Yenching Academy, to learn more about this new international graduate program at Peking University offering a Master’s in China Studies with scholarship support. Students who will have a bachelor’s degree in any field by Aug. 31, 2016 are eligible to apply this year. With some exceptions, applicants must be aged 26 or younger on August 31, 2016 (see below for complete eligibility requirements).

UW Information Session: Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 from 4:30-5:30pm, Mary Gates Hall room 224 | RSVP to attend | Free food is provided!

Brief Program Information:

The Yenching Academy offers an intensive program of interdisciplinary classroom and field study of Chinese history and culture, as well as real-time issues in China’s development.  As a college integrated within Peking University (PKU), the Yenching Academy prepares a diverse group of exceptional international and Chinese students with the knowledge of China that they need to fulfill their potential as global citizens and leaders. Yenching Academy offers courses in English. Concentration options include:

  • Philosophy and Religion
  • Economics and Management
  • Law and Society
  • Politics and International Relations
  • History and Archaeology
  • Literature and Culture

Scholarship Support:

The Yenching Academy provides a competitive postgraduate financial package. All students receive a fellowship that covers tuition, accommodation and living costs, as well as round trip airfare from their home country. The fellowship for international students ends after twelve months; they may complete and defend their thesis within one year after they have completed their Yenching Academy residence. Additional funding, in the form of research or teaching assistantships, will be available for international students in good standing who choose to complete their thesis at PKU during their second year. Mainland Chinese students will be supported on campus for two years.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Foreign Students & Students from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan
    • Bachelor’s degree in any field
    • 25 years old or younger on August 31, 2016; students from countries with mandatory military service for college graduates must be 27 years old or younger on August 31, 2016
  • Chinese Mainland Students
    • Chinese students will be admitted according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education. They must be qualified to be exempt from the examination based on their mainland Chinese university’s recommendations.  This process differs from that for foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Learn more at, and join us on Oct. 1! Please RSVP to attend the information session at

UW students and alumni must apply for UW nomination to be considered. Details about UW’s application and nomination process are at UW’s deadline for applications is Dec. 21, 2015.


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