Opportunity for Social Work Student

I’m an attorney who is working with a client in need of some help.  I thought this particular project might be a good match for a social work student who is looking to get more experience in working with families and children.

We are working on reuniting two young children (4 and 8 years old) with their father, who they have not seen in approximately 3 years.  The father lives in South America and is flying up to spend a week in Seattle with his children.  The father and the mother have agreed that the visits should be supervised while the children become reacquainted with their father.  We are looking for someone who can supervise the visits and be an impartial observer and/or facilitator.  Spanish language skills are a plus but not required.

Specifically, we are looking for someone who could be available on any of the following days and times:

Tuesday, December 29th – Friday, January 1st from approximately 10am-3pm daily.

There is opportunity for this to be paid, and we’d be happy to negotiate a rate.

Stephanie R. Lakinski: | Office: 206.224.8079  | Fax: 206.682.7100


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