Everybody Every Body Fashion Show

The ASUW Student Health Consortium is excited to announce the 8th annual Everybody Every Body Fashion Show! This event aims to start a conversation about body image and self esteem and raise awareness about eating disorders. This year, our goal is to expand the conversation to include race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, (dis)ability, and how these identities shape a person’s body image. Each year, we have hundreds of models and volunteers who make this event happen, and we have a handful of “supermodels” who participate in photoshoots, promotional videos, performances, and so on.

This year, we are hoping to find supermodels who are interested in sharing their story about how racism, sexism, fatphobia, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, and other isms have impacted their self-image and their relationship with their body. Help us celebrate body positivity, self-love, local fashion, and diversity by signing up as a volunteer or a model! Sign ups are due January 8th and the Fashion Show is on March 7th.

Model Sign Up:
Volunteer Sign Up:


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