2016 National Clarion Case Competition

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) UW Chapter is excited to invite graduate students to compete for the 2016 National Clarion Case Competition.  This is an interdisciplinary healthcare case competition comprised of four-person student groups competing at the university and national level representing the University of Washington.  As a team member, you would address healthcare quality issues, with specific emphasis on the IHI’s Triple AIM goals (community health, fiscal sustainability, quality).  This is a unique opportunity to work intimately across disciplines to propose innovative and cost-effective solutions to the most timely health issues facing our healthcare system.  Participants will receive a patient scenario and setting that they analyze to identify areas for improvement.  Teams then create proposals for making these improvements at the patient, hospital and regional healthcare level.   For more information, please contact us by email.  The local competition will be held on February 29th, time to be determined.

The winning team at the National Competition will be awarded with the following Scholarship:

  • 1st place (shared award): $7,500
  • 2nd place (shared award): $5,000
  • 3rd place (shared award): $2,500


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