Spring Course – NURS/ANTH 562: Culturally Appropriate Care Seminar

ANTH/NURS 562. Clinically Applied Anthropology, Wednesdays 9:30-12:20, HSB T 521. Spring Quarter. 3 credits.

Clinically Applied Anthropology is designed to explore how medical anthropology can be used in clinical situations.  It is aimed at health science graduate students as well as graduate students from other professional schools and from academic departments.  The seminar format will include the examination of selected publications in medical anthropology to understand the data, theory, and methods used by anthropologists to investigate and analyze health-related behaviors.  Anthropologists who specialize in various culture areas (e.g., Indonesia, Oceania, Africa) will be invited for guest presentations.  This information will be related to national and international health care issues to explore whether anthropological insight offers solutions or new approaches to culturally appropriate care.  Specific topics will range widely depending on student interests and availability of articles.  Topics will include cultural variations in illness beliefs and illness behavior (e.g., culture-bound syndromes, meanings of cancer or diabetes), types of healing practices (e.g., shamans, medicine people), and chronic illness and death.  Two short draft papers leading to a seminar paper are required.

For more info, contact Noel J. Chrisman at



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